
There are 432 repositories under miniproject topic.

  • sudhamshu091/32-Verilog-Mini-Projects

    Implementing 32 Verilog Mini Projects. 32 bit adder, Array Multiplier, Barrel Shifter, Binary Divider 16 by 8, Booth Multiplication, CRC Coding, Carry Select and Carry Look Ahead Adder, Carry Skip and Carry Save Adder, Complex Multiplier, Dice Game, FIFO, Fixed Point Adder and Subtractor, Fixed Point Multiplier and Divider, Floating Point IEEE 754 Addition Subtraction, Floating Point IEEE 754 Division, Floating Point IEEE 754 Multiplication, Fraction Multiplier, High Radix Multiplier, I2C and SPI Protocols, LFSR and CFSR, Logarithm Implementation, Mealy and Moore State Machine Implementation of Sequence Detector, Modified Booth Algorithm, Pipelined Multiplier, Restoring and Non Restoring Division, Sequential Multiplier, Shift and Add Binary Multiplier, Traffic Light Controller, Universal_Shift_Register, BCD Adder, Dual Address RAM and Dual Address ROM

  • thealoneprogrammer/Musical-World

    DBMS Mini Project that basically designed for online music player

  • jaisayush/Fatigue-Detection-System-Based-On-Behavioural-Characteristics-Of-Driver

    A computer vision system made with the help of opencv that can automatically detect driver drowsiness in a real-time video stream and then play an alarm if the driver appears to be drowsy.

  • amberkakkar01/Book-Hub

    Book Hub is an online text selling and reselling website.

  • Karthikg1908/Hospital-Management-System

    The purpose of the project entitled as “HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM” is to computerize the Front Office Management of Hospital to develop software which is user friendly simple, fast, and cost – effective. It deals with the collection of patient’s information, diagnosis details, etc.

  • fujianlian/mall


  • benedictprajwal/hacktoberfest-2022-algo-projects

    Hacktoberfest2022 🥳- Contribute Any Project or Algorithm In Any Language😎 Every Valid PR will be accepted. Happy Contribution!

  • smitshah2206/Employee_ERP_System

    ERP is a business process management software that allows an organization to use an integrated application system to manage a business and automate many back office fee tasks. In this project the admin will be able to add, update and delete the details of the employees. The admin can also add a new employee and customer project and view employee details. As well as the employee can sign in to their own account and update their daily work.

  • Python-Mini-Projects


    Python Mini-Game Projects for beginners

  • thakkarkaushal/HOTEL-MANAGEMENT-SYSTEM


  • amaan871/Rajagiri-Connect

    Rajagiri connect is a networking platform that enables the students of Rajagiri to form a social network among themselves, enabling them to connect with their seniors, juniors and faculty for sharing of information and resources.

  • rv2442/Iot-Surveillance-Car

    This is an IOT Based Surveillance Car that can be controlled and tracked globally as well as its data can be accessed globally. The camera on the front of the car can also be monitored globally. It can go anywhere where a sim connection is available.

  • gokulcm09/DBMS-system-mini-project-

    This project is a Data Base management System created to manage the membership and fee details of gym members. This program uses NetBeans java as front end and MySql as back end. The NetBeans IDE provides rapid development of front end with GUI. The Java code(with .form files for IDE),MySql codes and the output images are attached with the files.

  • 2D-bin-packing-problem


    A mini project for Fundamentals of Optimization course of SoICT - HUST

  • akgarg0472/JavaFX_TicTacToe

    Mini Tic Tac Toe game build using JavaFX

  • digamberkarrahe/Cricket-Tournament-Managment-System

    The project is based on the management of the cricket tournaments held at different levels. We provide a view for the tournament organizer where he/she can create a tournament with number of participating teams, matches to be played, different venues etc.

  • Jaisonemathew/food-order

    Online food ordering system with admin panel made with PHP,MYSQL and Bootstrap Btech/BCA/MCA Project

  • RochaGabriell/MiniProjects

    Coleção com mini projetos

  • Vidhinpatel08/Employee-Management-System

    An employee management system is a software, that helps your employees to give their best efforts every day to achieve the goals of your organization. It guides and manages employees efforts in the right direction. It also securely stores and manages personal and other work-related details for your employees.

  • wentingliuu/50projects50days

    A portfolio for my mini projects. Sharpen my HTML, CSS & Javascript skills through 50 mini projects in 50 days. ✨

  • danishsshaikh/KCCafeteria

    Project for 5th Semester Subject -> WDL & DBMS

  • gottumukkalakiran/Book-Hub

    Implemented responsive Goodreads Clone where users can log in and see a list of books, bookshelves like all shelves (books sorted by rating), completed reading shelf, currently reading shelf, want to read shelf , and user can also search books with author's name and book's name.

  • nandakumar-7/PMS

    This is a Placement management system implemented using php & Mysql

  • hasmukh-dharajiya/laravel-vuejs-dashboard

    mini Project in Laravel and Vue js. Real World Laravel 8x + Vue js Dashboard.Task management and project management system. Dashboard features such as Complete Dashboard, Custom Authentication, Email Verification, custom-login-register-forgot password (without jetstream).

  • College-Enterprise-Resource-Planning-System-Project-


    Faculty in a college must manage all information regarding students' attendance, exam results, and personal information. These records are kept by saving them in excel sheets and word documents. Teachers occasionally require data for a specific purpose. They are required to submit a weekly attendance report. To date, they have completed more time-consuming tasks. This project proposes a solution for efficiently completing all responsibilities while also saving time and reducing workload by analyzing the problems that faculty face. The main objectives of this project are to assist any department in maintaining and managing personal data as well as to exemplify the project's objectives for the College Information Management System.

  • piyushsharma220699/Backdoor-in-Cyber-Security

    Project SAANP : Implementation of Backdoor using Python

  • swapniltake1/collage-chatbot

    Ai Based Project. This bot is used for automatic reply for college website. This is my 3rd year 6th sem project for AI Subject.

  • yassindaboussi/Discovery-Android

    Discover Tunisia with our app! 📱 Find the perfect vacation spots for any age or taste. Enjoy a delightful and cultural stay with our tourist guide. 🌍🗺️

  • ankur198/MotionDetectionSurvilance

    UWP app that can detect and notify about any motion it sees through camera

  • helloharendra/Grocert-management-system-mini-project-on-console

    This is a mini project(grocery management system) using basic python , If you are beginner try this project.

  • mtmzakir/Python-Cab-Service-Project

    Cab Service CLI

  • prithvish111/leaveManagementSystem

    Employee leave management system using file structures in c++(object oriented) mini-project

  • Ratheshprabakar/Contact-Management-System

    A mini project on C to create and manage contacts.


    Software Testing and Quality Assurance Mini Project Dynamic webside of covid19 information using HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT And PHP, MySQL database used to store user account, comment, and registration form details. Regular Expression testcases for testing purpose

  • campus-recruitment-portal
  • Yashkapure06/Automate-Google-Meet

    Automating Google meet using selenium in Python
