Campus Recruitment Portal

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A fully responsive web-based Campus Recruitment System for managing campus placements based on the Model View Controller (MVC) Architecture made using Java Enterprise Technologies. Using this Application, TPO can add drive details and students can register for the same. The system has two users: Admin(TPO) and User(Student).


  • TPO can create drives and manage applications.
  • Students can register themselves with an acadmic profile that includes basic details like Name, USN, Dept, Grade, etc. Also they can later update it.
  • Students can apply for several drives and can track application history.

Technologies Used

  • Frontend: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Java Server Pages (JSPs)
  • Backend: Java Servlets, JDBC, Oracle Database


Home Page                                                                                                 Admin Login

Student Registration                                                                                 Registration Requests

Drives                                                                                                        Drive Registration

Report Generation                                                                                   Filter Drives


  • Java 8 or higher
  • Eclipse IDE
  • Apache Tomcat Server
  • JDBC Driver - odbc14


  1. Open Eclipse JEE
  2. Import -> Existing Projects into Workspace
  3. Clone and Select the folder of this repository
  4. Finish
  5. Ensure you have Apache Tomcat installed

Future Scope or To Do List

  • Generating reports in PDF format.
  • Implementing SMS/e-mail functionality.
  • Improving GUI.



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the MIT license for details.