
There are 13 repositories under mixed-reality-toolkit topic.

  • com.xrtk.core


    The Official Mixed Reality Framework for Unity

  • antz


    ANTz immersive 3D data visualization engine

  • yale-winter/Draw-Note-Unity-Hololens-2-Sprint

    C#, Unity, HoloLens 2, AR, MRTK2, UWP, HoloLens 2 Emulator

  • JavaPhish/World-XR-Sandbox

    An XR demo that lets Users interact with AR props in the real world. Using Azure Spatial Anchors and Photon Networking, users in the real world can see each other interacting with AR objects in real time, in the same position.

  • mortenterhart/mixed-reality-robot-control

    Mixed Reality Robot Control for the Microsoft HoloLens 2 and HP Reverb G2 using the MRTK for Unity

  • TLabAltoh/TLabWebViewMRTK

    Sample unity project for manipulating WebView from Mixed Reality Toolkit. Confirmed to work on Oculus.

  • BillyFrcs/MixedRealityToolkit-Unity

    Mixed Reality Toolkit (MRTK) provides a set of components and features to accelerate cross-platform MR app development in Unity.

  • Priyanshu-CODERX/AR001-Course-Page

    In this course you are going to learn about Extended Reality from both Theoritical and Practical prospect, we will be learning to develop Augmented Reality mobile applications and Augmented Reality Filters for Instagram and Facebook from scratch, this course is designed for absolute beginners and professionals and because the course is designed for both professionals and beginners we covered every concept from scratch such as XR Fundamentals, Unity Engine, C#, Markerbased AR Development and AR Filter development.

  • ShutovKS/Tic-Tac-Toe-in-MR-for-HoloLens-2

    An example application for HoloLens 2 showcasing some capabilities of the Mixed Reality Toolkit (MRTK) for Unity. The application allows playing Tic Tac Toe in augmented reality.

  • Jesse-vd-Linden/Spot-HoloLens-NUI

    All code to support the reproducibility of the paper 'Natural User Interface in Augmented Reality to Control Spot'

  • chubozeko/AR-Maps

    The application should implement real-time or user-created maps and visualize content, such as moving vehicles, people (or animals), points of interest etc. For example: a tactical military sandbox, an interactive park map, a guide map of an airport, etc.

  • mapluisch/HoloLens-Questionnaire-Toolkit

    Easily collect subjective measures in AR environments optimized for HoloLens.

  • OpenAvikom/MRTK-Unity-Starter

    A boilerplate for the development of MRTK applications with Unity