
C#, Unity, HoloLens 2, AR, MRTK2, UWP, HoloLens 2 Emulator

Primary LanguageShaderLab


C#, Unity, HoloLens 2, AR, MRTK2, HoloLens 2 Emulator

Disclaimer: Not yet tested on a HoloLens 2 (and needs changes. Postmortem coming soon.)


1 week sprint project for HoloLens 2. Draw lines in Augmented Reality on the Hololens 2 with MRTK2 and a variety of features.


drawnote5_caption drawnote4_caption drawnote1_caption drawnote2_caption draw_note_poster

^ custom AI created promotional artwork for Draw Note


The controls in Draw Note are the regular style of Hololens 2 controls.

While drawing: The User holds out arm in front of their body in a comfortable position. In Normal Mode the drawing will happen just beyond this. The User can move their hand, arm, head, body and look around while continue to draw. Read Drawing Modes later for more details.

There is 3 ways to interact with buttons:

  1. The User's Gaze is directed at the Button from a distance, and then they make the Air Tap gesture (focus gaze then right click in emulator)
  2. The User says the Voice Command associated with the button/action ex. "RED", "DRAW", "STOP"
  3. The User does a nearby hand interaction, by actually pressing the button with their finger

There are two Menus that are context dependant:

  • Small Note Drawing Menu - Is smaller and is active while the User is drawing. It simply directs the user to say "STOP" to stop, and it has a Stop Button
  • Drawing Details Menu - Is larger and is active while the User is not drawing. It contains buttons for input options listed below, except Stop
Voice Command Description
DRAW Start drawing
STOP Stop drawing
MODE Switch drawing mode
UNDO Undo last drawing
CLEAR Clear all drawings
WHITE Set draw color to white
RED Set draw color to red
YELLOW Set draw color to yellow
GREEN Set draw color to green

Drawing Modes:

It's important for the User to understand and switch between the different Drawing Modes to get the expected behavior.

Drawing Modes Description
Normal Draw only on draw plane with hand (Ex. you want to write clearly like on a piece of paper)
Mesh Draw only on meshes with hand (Ex. you want to write on a wall, or floor)
Finger Draw from your finger (Ex. you want to draw a line exactly from your finger position)



  • User Inputs are interpreted by MRTK2 for the correct environment
  • Some custom configurations are applied directly to MRTK profile (Ex. custom voice inputs)
  • Drawings are stored in an Object with a Unity ParticleTrail component (Each saved node of the instance Drawing requires very little storage)
  • Create new drawing Object when starting to draw, or changing colors for easy Undo layers
  • Menus follow the User and stay within the camera frustum as per Hololens 2 style. They can also be repositioned
  • Unit Tests in Unity Test Runner

Draw Plane description (only relevant while using Normal Mode): Default target drawing distance is 64 centimeters away (approx average human arm length) from the User. DrawPlane GameObject's center is set to 1 meter away with a depth/thickness of 72 centimeters (to more safely catch raycast). It's position and rotation is always set to be that distance and facing the User. So if the User draws directly in the middle of where their looking, that ray would hit the collider at 64 centimeters away.