
There are 9 repositories under mobility-trajectory topic.

  • vonfeng/DeepMove

    Codes for WWW'18 Paper-DeepMove: Predicting Human Mobility with Attentional Recurrent Network

  • vonfeng/DPLink

    Codes for WWW'19 Paper-DPLink: User Identity Linkage via Deep Neural Network From Heterogeneous Mobility Data

  • FIBLAB/MoveSim

    Codes for paper in KDD 2020 (AI for COVID-19): Learning to Simulate Human Mobility

  • jonpappalord/DITRAS

    DITRAS (DIary-based TRAjectory Simulator), a mathematical model to simulate human mobility

  • zihenglin/LSTM-Mobility-Model

    LSTM Mobility Model implementation using Tensorflow

  • seb-afk/Github-internship_human_mobility

    This project contains a Python implementation to extract so-called stop locations from GPS data. The project also contains some sample data and a detailed Jupyter notebook.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook5200
  • alexcaselli/PERSONa-Mobility-Dataset-Generator

    This dataset born from the need of mobility traces provided with demographics data of the users and it allows to define several classes of users with their most relevant places. Using probability distributions, it can be used to generate slotted mobility traces for different users.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook3200
  • interscity/open-data-challenge-2017

    This repository contains the data collected as part of the São Paulo School of Advanced Science on Smart Cities, 2017

  • Yongyao/TravelMode_Classifier

    Automated Human Mobility Mode Detection Based on GPS Tracking Data
