
This repository contains the data collected as part of the São Paulo School of Advanced Science on Smart Cities, 2017

This repository contains the data collected as part of the São Paulo School of Advanced Science on Smart Cities, 2017.

Overview of data

The raw data consists of mobility traces from several participants in the school. All participants have consented to have their data publicly available. The data is stored as a list of JSON objects - each object contains both data and metadata.

Types of data

The traces contain both raw data, and the results of some post-processing performed by the code at https://github.com/e-mission/e-mission-server. The raw data is untouched - the analysis results are stored as separate objects that represent views over the raw data. The raw location traces can be noisy and intermittent, but the post-processing also generates a stream of resampled data for easier use.

The post-processing is reasonably good, so the analysed trip and section data can be used directly, or researchers can choose to use the raw data and perform their own post-processing. If their post-processing is more accurate than the current one, they are encouraged to submit their work to the e-mission project (https://github.com/e-mission/e-mission-server)

A complete list of the raw data types, in order of general interest, is:

  • background/location: location
  • background/filtered_location: filtered_location
  • background/motion_activity: motion_activity
  • manual/incident: smiley or frownie incident reported by the user
  • background/battery: battery level of the phone
  • stats/client_nav_event: client navigation activity
  • stats/client_time: response time on the client
  • stats/client_error: error detected on the server
  • stats/pipeline_time: run time for the pipeline on the server
  • stats/server_api_time: response time on the server
  • statemachine/transition: transitions for the state machine running on the phone

A complete list of the processed data types, in order of general interest, is:

  • analysis/cleaned_place: a place that the user was at
  • analysis/cleaned_trip: a trip between two places
  • analysis/cleaned_section: a part of a trip that is in a particular mode - e.g. a walk -> bus -> walk trip has 3 sections
  • analysis/cleaned_stop: a transition point between sections
  • analysis/cleaned_untracked: time when the tracking was turned off (e.g. phone was turned off)
  • analysis/recreated_location: location data after jumps have been removed, and resampled at a constant rate
  • segmentation/*: objects similar to the ones above, created at an intermediate step in the pipeline

Quick start

The data, along with other open travel data, is also available through a public ipython notebook server at http://cardshark.cs.berkeley.edu:8888/tree? The password for the server is a concatenation of the first names of the data collector's advisors and associated labs (R....D....R...B...). All information can be found in the third sentence of her home page https://people.eecs.berkeley.edu/~shankari/. The sample notebook below has examples of how to access all these objects and plot them on a map. NOTE: The notebook is read-only, so you cannot save any changes to it. Make a copy of the notebook, label it with your name, and explore the data there. http://cardshark.cs.berkeley.edu:8888/notebooks/Timeseries_Sample.ipynb

Data format examples

Here are some simple examples of different types of collected data, both raw and processed. This is not exhaustive, please explore the data to find other examples.

Location data

        "user_id": {
            "$uuid": "18f729d9838a4e8ab66c3a6aac2ecdb0"
        "_id": {
            "$oid": "5977356dcb17471ac056245f"
        "data": {
            "loc": {
                "type": "Point",
                "coordinates": [
            "fmt_time": "2017-07-25T08:17:36.059000-03:00",
            "altitude": 0,
            "ts": 1500981456.059,
            "longitude": -46.6480565,
            "filter": "time",
            "elapsedRealtimeNanos": 124813051000000,
            "local_dt": {
            "latitude": -23.5655504,
            "heading": 0,
            "sensed_speed": 0,
            "accuracy": 500
        "metadata": {
            "write_fmt_time": "2017-07-25T08:17:37.154000-03:00",
            "write_ts": 1500981457.154,
            "time_zone": "America/Sao_Paulo",
            "platform": "android",
            "write_local_dt": {
            "key": "background/location",
            "read_ts": 0,
            "type": "sensor-data"

Motion activity data

        "user_id": {
            "$uuid": "18f729d9838a4e8ab66c3a6aac2ecdb0"
        "_id": {
            "$oid": "5977356dcb17471ac0562464"
        "data": {
            "type": 0, # type mapping is defined at https://github.com/e-mission/e-mission-server/blob/master/emission/core/wrapper/motionactivity.py#L5
            "confidence": 46,
            "local_dt": {
            "ts": 1500981522.963,
            "fmt_time": "2017-07-25T08:18:42.963000-03:00"
        "metadata": {
            "write_fmt_time": "2017-07-25T08:18:42.963000-03:00",
            "write_ts": 1500981522.963,
            "time_zone": "America/Sao_Paulo",
            "platform": "android",
            "write_local_dt": {
            "key": "background/motion_activity",
            "read_ts": 0,
            "type": "sensor-data"

Cleaned trip

        "user_id": {
            "$uuid": "18f729d9838a4e8ab66c3a6aac2ecdb0"
        "_id": {
            "$oid": "59780c0388f6630e9e15fb53"
        "data": {
            "distance": 5150.3710045199505,
            "end_place": {
                "$oid": "59780c0888f6630e9e15fcc7"
            "raw_trip": {
                "$oid": "59780bfe88f6630e9e15fb14"
            "start_loc": {
                "type": "Point",
                "coordinates": [
            "end_ts": 1500982957,
            "start_ts": 1500981642.177,
            "start_fmt_time": "2017-07-25T08:20:42.177000-03:00",
            "end_loc": {
                "type": "Point",
                "coordinates": [
            "source": "DwellSegmentationTimeFilter",
            "start_place": {
                "$oid": "59780c0888f6630e9e15fcc6"
            "end_fmt_time": "2017-07-25T08:42:37-03:00",
            "end_local_dt": {...},
            "duration": 1314.8229999542236,
            "start_local_dt": {...}
        "metadata": {
            "write_fmt_time": "2017-07-25T20:26:59.007203-07:00",
            "write_ts": 1501039619.007203,
            "time_zone": "America/Los_Angeles",
            "platform": "server",
            "key": "analysis/cleaned_trip"

Cleaned section

        "user_id": {
            "$uuid": "18f729d9838a4e8ab66c3a6aac2ecdb0"
        "_id": {
            "$oid": "59780c0388f6630e9e15fb5b"
        "data": {
            "distances": [
            "distance": 186.87534805244425,
            "start_loc": {
                "type": "Point",
                "coordinates": [
            "end_ts": 1500982957,
            "start_ts": 1500982776,
            "start_fmt_time": "2017-07-25T08:39:36-03:00",
            "end_loc": {
                "type": "Point",
                "coordinates": [
            "sensed_mode": 2,
            "source": "SmoothedHighConfidenceMotion",
            "end_fmt_time": "2017-07-25T08:42:37-03:00",
            "end_local_dt": {...},
            "duration": 181,
            "start_stop": {
                "$oid": "59780c0388f6630e9e15fb64"
            "trip_id": {
                "$oid": "59780c0388f6630e9e15fb53"
            "start_local_dt": {...},
            "speeds": [
        "metadata": {
            "write_fmt_time": "2017-07-25T20:26:59.207442-07:00",
            "write_ts": 1501039619.207442,
            "time_zone": "America/Los_Angeles",
            "platform": "server",
            "write_local_dt": {...},
            "key": "analysis/cleaned_section"