
There are 82 repositories under model-comparison topic.

  • stefanradev93/BayesFlow

    A Python library for amortized Bayesian workflows using generative neural networks.

  • stan-dev/loo

    loo R package for approximate leave-one-out cross-validation (LOO-CV) and Pareto smoothed importance sampling (PSIS)

  • Joshuaalbert/jaxns

    Probabilistic Programming and Nested sampling in JAX

  • wknoben/MARRMoT

    Modular Assessment of Rainfall-Runoff Models Toolbox - Matlab code for 47 conceptual hydrologic models

  • Sanaelotfi/Bayesian_model_comparison

    Supporing code for the paper "Bayesian Model Selection, the Marginal Likelihood, and Generalization".

    Language:Jupyter Notebook35203
  • EmilianoGagliardiEmanueleGhelfi/CNN-compression-performance

    A python script that automatise the training of a CNN, compress it through tensorflow (or ristretto) plugin, and compares the performance of the two networks

  • gershonc/octopus-ml

    A collection of handy ML and data visualization and validation tools. Go ahead and train, evaluate and validate your ML models and data with minimal effort.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook21325
  • UBC-MDS/RegscorePy

    This is the repo for a python package that does model comparison between different regression models.

  • wittawatj/kernel-mod

    NeurIPS 2018. Linear-time model comparison tests.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook17603
  • Online-payment-fraud-detection


    This repository contains my online payment fraud detection project using Python

    Language:Jupyter Notebook14102
  • AaronFlore/Forecasting-Bitcoin-Prices

    Forecasting Bitcoin Prices via ARIMA, XGBoost, Prophet, and LSTM models in Python

    Language:Jupyter Notebook13102
  • Model-Comparison-Utility


    Matlab command-line functions for supporting Simulink model comparison

  • alicelh/ModelWise

    ModelWise: Interactive Model Comparison for Model Diagnosis, Improvement and Selection(EuroVis 22)

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10202
  • chjackson/fic

    R package for focused information criteria for model comparison

  • AAnzel/Polar-Diagrams-for-Model-Comparison

    "Interactive Polar Diagrams for Model Comparison" by Aleksandar Anžel, Dominik Heider, and Georges Hattab

    Language:Jupyter Notebook7210
  • m-clark/R-III-Modeling

    Using models to understand relationships and make predictions.

  • advaitsave/Churn-Classification-Model-Selection

    A comprehensive Churn Classification solution aimed at laying out the steps of a classification solution, including EDA, Stratified train test split, Training multiple classifiers, Evaluating trained classifiers, Hyperparameter tuning, Optimal probability threshold tuning, model comparison, model selection and Whiteboxing models for business sense. (Python)

    Language:Jupyter Notebook5102
  • vsquicciarini/madys

    MADYS: isochronal parameter determination for young stellar and substellar objects

  • guyabel/tidycat

    Expand broom::tidy() output for categorical parameter estimates

  • m-pektas/BFAS

    Brute Force Architecture Search

  • ashx010/Titanic_Analysis_Model

    Classification model on Titanic: Tragic shipwreck with EDA. Secured Accuracy Score of ~0.78.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook3100
  • mjvakili/gambly

    Searching for galaxy-assembly bias in the SDSS data

  • RohitLearner/Dream-Masters-Program-Analysis

    Awesome Collaborated Project of Master's Program Analysis with Ranjith Kumar Govindarajan.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2201
  • yihong1120/YOLOv8-qat

    Quantization Aware Training

  • ashx010/taxi_fare_prediction

    Regression model on Taxi Fare Data with EDA. The data is taken from a Hackathon ( Data Science Student Championship 2023 ) on MachineHack.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • Christian-F-Badillo/Temas_Selectos_en_Estadistica

    Repositorio para el curso intersemestral "Temas Selectos en Estadística" para la Facultad de Psicología, UNAM.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • Daniel-Andarge/AiML-brent-oil-price-analysis

    This project analyzes Brent oil prices from 1987-2022, detecting structural changes and associating them with major events to provide data-driven insights for the energy industry.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • Enzo2806/Logistic-Multiclass

    We investigated the performance of the Logistic and Multiclass Regression models and compared their accuracies to KNN. We compared Logistic Regression and KNN based on the "IMdB reviews" dataset, while Multiclass Regression and KNN were compared based on the "20 news groups" dataset.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1200
  • Enzo2806/MLP-CNN

    We implemented a Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) model from scratch and compared its performance based on image classification accuracy on the "Fashion-MNIST" dataset to the performance of the Tensorflow Keras library's Convolutional Neural Network (CNN).

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1200
  • Godhuli-De/LungCancerPrediction_ModelComparison

    This project focuses on the prediction of lung cancer using multiple machine learning models and comparing their performances. The dataset used for this project consists of various features related to lung cancer, which were preprocessed, normalized, and then used for training different classifiers.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1101
  • qtle3/polynomial-regression

    This project demonstrates the use of both Linear and Polynomial Regression models to predict salaries based on the position level of employees. By using a dataset that contains position levels and their corresponding salaries, this project showcases the differences between linear and polynomial models in fitting data and making predictions.

  • sergio11/headline_generation_lstm_transformers

    Explore advanced neural networks for crafting captivating headlines! Compare LSTM 🔄 and Transformer 🔀 models through interactive notebooks 📓 and easy-to-use wrapper classes 🛠️. Ideal for content creators and data enthusiasts aiming to automate and enhance headline generation ✨.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook110
  • yusufesatt/model-map-comparison

    This project includes a python script that creates graphs by reading data from CSV files of models trained with YOLO.
