
There are 26 repositories under multi-camera topic.

  • megvii-research/PETR

    [ECCV2022] PETR: Position Embedding Transformation for Multi-View 3D Object Detection & [ICCV2023] PETRv2: A Unified Framework for 3D Perception from Multi-Camera Images

  • Sense-GVT/Fast-BEV

    Fast-BEV: A Fast and Strong Bird’s-Eye View Perception Baseline

  • JunweiLiang/Object_Detection_Tracking

    Out-of-the-box code and models for CMU's object detection and tracking system for multi-camera surveillance videos. Speed optimized Faster-RCNN model. Tensorflow based. Also supports EfficientDet. WACVW'20

  • zhangyp15/OccFormer

    [ICCV 2023] OccFormer: Dual-path Transformer for Vision-based 3D Semantic Occupancy Prediction

  • weiyithu/SurroundDepth

    [CoRL 2022] SurroundDepth: Entangling Surrounding Views for Self-Supervised Multi-Camera Depth Estimation

  • ucuapps/top-view-multi-person-tracking

    This repo contains links to multi-person re-identification and tracking dataset in top view multi-camera environment.

  • gwjensen/SnakeStrike

    A Low-cost Open-source High-speed Multi-camera Motion Capture System.

  • qcraftai/distill-bev

    DistillBEV: Boosting Multi-Camera 3D Object Detection with Cross-Modal Knowledge Distillation (ICCV 2023)

  • Awesome-Multi-Camera-Network


    Multi-camera Network research resources

  • ntnu-arl/underwater-datasets

    Underwater Dataset for Visual-Inertial Methods and data with transitioning between multiple refractive media.

  • lixiaoyu2000/Rock-Track

    Official Repo For "RockTrack"

  • Qengineering/Multithread-Camera-OpenCV

    OpenCV Universal Multi thread video Interface with neglectable latency.

  • aflesher/EntityPostProcessor2D

    A unity package for applying post-processing effects to assembled 2D assets

  • tub-rip/CoCapture

    GUI for viewing and recording with multi camera systems including event cameras.

  • larsrollik/rpi_camera_colony

    Central control for video acquisition with (many) Raspberry Pi cameras

  • TasMarshall/multiCameraApplicationPlatform

    Multi-camera systems are becoming affordable and intelligent through research and commercial application. However, few resources are available to assist software engineers in developing fully-fledged solutions using such systems. To address this lack of support the project described in this report has developed a software platform that supports effective engineering of multi-camera applications. The platform includes reusable components, specializable components, camera and application configuration meta-models and a multi-camera application development process. This process guides software engineers in utilizing the platform's components to design, implement and execute a multi-camera application. The platform was evaluated by using it to develop two proof-of-concept multi-camera applications within two different domains successfully. The applications used several types of real cameras, and were tested in simulated but realistic scenarios. The first application used two pan-tilt cameras to monitor two lanes of a simulated road section and record traffic incidents while adapting to camera failure and concurrent tasks by coordinating their view. The second used a fixed camera monitoring the inside of a simulated store and two pan-tilt cameras monitoring simulated road intersections outside the store with the outdoor cameras changing their view when a burglary is detected.

  • thuhci/SUMS

    Summit Vitals: Multi-Camera and Multi-Signal Biosensing at High Altitudes

  • vstreamer/multi-camera-stream-yolov4-flask

    A Flask app for multiple live video streaming over a network with object detection, tracking (optional), and counting. Uses YOLO v4 with Tensorflow backend as the object detection model and Deep SORT trained on the MARS dataset for object tracking. Each video stream has an independent thread and uses ImageZMQ for asynchronous sending and process

  • kjanjua26/Android_Data_Collection

    This repository contains code to collect data from android devices such as gyroscope, magnetometer, barometer, accelerometer and point cloud readings along with video feed.

  • DonHaul/MscThesis

    This repo and the referenced repos contain all the code used in my master thesis

  • emilianogagliardi/multi_stereo_camera

    Calibration and localization algorithms for a system of multiple rigidly coupled stereo cameras

  • RaymondCM/StrawberryData

    Tool suite for fast multi-camera strawberry data collection project. The standards document houses cross compatibility/purpose implementation details.

  • HeadTriXz/Multi-Camera-Calibration

    A multi-camera calibration system using ChArUco boards to align and transform camera views into a single top-down perspective.

  • lcqwe/DSO_MultiCamera

    Direct Sparse Odometry - Win10, x64

  • zqyq/

    my personal website

  • Elphel/ros2-scripts

    mirror of
