
This repo and the referenced repos contain all the code used in my master thesis

Primary LanguageMATLABMIT LicenseMIT

RGB-D Camera Network Calibration for 3D Model Reconstruction

Keywords: Camera networks, 3D reconstruction, RGB-D data, Multi Cloud Registration


  • Obtain the transformations and Rotations
  • Acquisition of More Complete Models


This Msc Thesis has 2 main repositories:

  • MultiCamCalAruco: In this repo, a method was developed, that does two things:
    1. Obtain the positions and rotations of Aruco markers, in a calibration object.
    2. Use that calibration object, to find calibrate a multi-camera RGB network More information about it and instructions about its installation and use can be found on the repo.
  • Rvidere This repository is responsible for launching a multi camera RGB-D network that can be found in LRM in IST.

On top of these, the present repository contains matlab code developed by R. Toldo et. al. (Link), to register multiple point clouds simultaneously.

Thesis Documents

Presentation - Link

Author: João Ramiro

Supervisors: Manuel Marques, João Paulo Costeira