
There are 44 repositories under multinomial-logistic-regression topic.

  • Twitter-Sentimental-Analysis


    I have used Multinomial Naive Bayes, Random Trees Embedding, Random Forest Regressor, Random Forest Classifier, Multinomial Logistic Regression, Linear Support Vector Classifier, Linear Regression, Extra Tree Regressor, Extra Tree Classifier, Decision Tree Classifier, Binary Logistic Regression and calculated accuracy score, confusion matrix and ROC(Receiver Operating Characteristic) and AUC(Area Under Curve) and finally shown how they are classifying the tweet in positive and negative.

  • friendly/nestedLogit

    Nested Dichotomy Logistic Regression Models

  • kennethleungty/StatsAssume

    Automating Assumption Checks for Regression Models (Work in Progress, Currently Paused)

  • angelpatriciads/iris-data-multi-logistic-regression

    Given a dataset with data on the size of the sepals (petals) and the size of the petals (corolla) of 150 irises consisting of three species, namely Iris setosa, Iris versicolor, and Iris virginica. Petal size will be used as a measure of flower classification using multinomial logistic regression.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook310
  • KSwaviman/Conjoint-Analysis

    This project aims to conduct a random survey design for collecting responses regarding wine preferences of Italian consumers. Furthermore, it attempts to understand how preference share gets affected as we vary different attributes associated with wine with the use of a research method called Conjoint Analysis..

  • Ashot72/ml5-spfx-extension

    ml5 (friendly machine learning for the web) SharePoint Framework (SPFx) extension

  • athowes/multi-agyw

    Spatio-temporal estimates of HIV risk group proportions for AGYW across 13 priority countries in sub-Saharan Africa

  • hknd23/idcempy

    Inflated Discrete Choice Models

  • T-Obuchi/AcceleratedCVonMLR_python

    This Python package enables to efficiently compute leave-one-out cross validation error for multinomial logistic regression with elastic net (L1 and L2) penalty. The computation is based on an analytical approximation, which enables to avoid re-optimization and to reduce much computational time. MATLAB version:

  • ananyaroy1011/Fake-News-Classification

    Given the title of a fake news article A and the title of a coming news article B, program classifies B into agree, disagree, and unrelated.

  • CarolMoore19/Business-Self-Sanctioning-of-Russia

    Bayesian Machine Learning with PYMC3. Data from the Kyiv School of Economics.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • DerickAnjos/world_cup_prediction

    2022 FIFA World Cup (Qatar) prediction, using Multinomial Logistic Regression.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1300
  • didemch/Wine-Classification-in-R

    Finding out whether it is possible to predict the quality of the wine using Random Forests, Neural Networks, Classification trees and other methods

  • donishadsmith/vswift

    Tools created for machine learning classification model evaluation

  • girirajv10/Logistic-Regression

    Logistic Regression is a supervised learning algorithm that is used when the target variable is categorical. In Logistic Regression the target variable is categorical where we have to strict the range of predicted values. Consider a classification problem, where we need to classify whether an email is a spam or not. So we have to predict either 0 (for not spam) or 1 (for spam).

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • Kowshik-18/credit_score_engine

    Our industrial attachment project involves developing a credit scoring system to determine Upay users' loan eligibility. This system uses machine learning to forecast loan approval using transaction history and customer data. This project aims to provide a reliable credit score system for loan disbursement. It will also inform decision makers about

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1103
  • MartaFatto/The-Student-Accommodation-Market

    Choice-Based Conjoint Analysis, Multinomial Logit Model, Multinomial Logit Model with random coefficients

  • AndrewDisher/multinomial-logistic-regression

    An R markdown notebook detailing the necessary steps to fit a multinomial logistic regression model to some sample data.

  • credit-scoring-engine


    This repository contains a credit scoring system that leverages machine learning to predict the likelihood of a user receiving a loan. The system includes a user interface where users can upload data files to receive loan decisions, loan probability assessments, and suggested loan amounts for eligible applicant.

  • cmdecesaris/NicotineUsage

    Multinomial logistic regression modeling used to determine influential factors in nicotine usage status

  • FellipeFrancoCouto/multinomial-classification-enem-2019

    The Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio (also known as ENEM) is a national Brazilian standardized test that allows students to conquer a spot in universities in the country and abroad (Inep, 2016). With millions of examinees from different social backgrounds, this paper aims to use the socio-economic data gathered in the 2019 exam application to predict which social class (A to E, following the methodology explained by Carneiro (2021), and used by IBGE) a given applicant belongs. The micro-data can be retrieved here: (Inep, 2020). Summarily, 24 questions ask specific information about goods, education, or work (e.g., number of cars a family has, if any; level of education of father; type of job the mother does), and the objective of the algorithm is to use all this data and classify an applicant’s social strat among the five possibilities.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • giulio-derasmo/Bayesian-Analysis-for-Game-Players-Behaviors

    A MCMC Bayesian analysis versus Frequentist Analysis of Animal Crossing: New Horizons game players in-game behavior using a Multinomial Logistic Regression Model to adjust the original paper results.

  • MeredithGal/Predictive-Analytics-with-R-Programming

    UNCW BAN 502 This course explores methods for model selection, parameter estimation, and validation. Focused on techniques and algorithms from the statistical and machine learning disciplines.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • MrTejas/ML-Algos

    A collection of fundamental Machine Learning Algorithms Implemented from scratch along-with their applications for various ML tasks like clustering, thresholding, data analysis, prediction, regression and image classification.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • Mukunda1196/NLP-Tweets

    NLP of Self-Driving Car Tweets

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • saileshacharya1/AV-adoption-interest-puget-data

    This is a release of data and analysis scripts of the "Public Interest in Autonomous Vehicle Adoption: Evidence from the 2015, 2017, and 2019 Puget Sound Travel Surveys" paper published in Journal of Transportation Engineering Part A. The paper can be accessed at All scripts are written in R.

  • agusrajuthaliyan/Open-Course-Data-Analysis-Project

    Every year, students in the 5th semester get to enroll in a open course subject of their choice out of 12 electives. This data analysis project is a study on the trends and behavior's of student choices.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook20
  • ArfaKhalid/Multinomial-Logistic-Regression-Model--Covid19-Vaccines-Analysis

    This repository contains readme and code for the thesis research project.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10
  • asaravis/Conflict-Events-Health-Facility-Disruption

    This code explores predictive composite measures for health facility disruptions in conflict zones based on conflict intensity (measured through repeat conflict events in close proximity) and type of conflict event.

  • Atrij-Paul/Multinomial_Logistic_Regression

    Complete details of Multinomial Logistic Regression from scratch . It is optimized to perform the operation in minimum time .

  • JRigh/Machine-Learning-algorithms-for-classification-and-regression-in-R

    Machine Learning algorithms (Classification, Clustering, Regression) on Iris dataset in R

  • msancor/FDS-HW2

    Python project for the Fundamentals of of Data Science class for the MSc. in Data Science at the Sapienza University of Rome. The main purpose of the project is exploring Logistic Regression & Multinomial Regression concepts along with training classifiers using Gradient Descent/Ascent.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook
  • NicoLopVal/Multin-Log-Reg-R

    This was the code I use to process a Multinomial Logistic Regression on R, with the Apollo Choice Modeling Package for R. Used to calculate the utility function of particular customers of vehicles in Bogotá, Colombia

  • zhihanyang2022/r-bayesian-multinomial-logreg

    Bayesian multinomial logistic regression implemented in R with runjags for MCMC.
