
There are 38 repositories under network-forensics topic.

  • seladb/PcapPlusPlus

    PcapPlusPlus is a multiplatform C++ library for capturing, parsing and crafting of network packets. It is designed to be efficient, powerful and easy to use. It provides C++ wrappers for the most popular packet processing engines such as libpcap, Npcap, WinPcap, DPDK, AF_XDP and PF_RING.

  • FoxIO-LLC/ja4

    JA4+ is a suite of network fingerprinting standards

  • MISP/misp-warninglists

    Warning lists to inform users of MISP about potential false-positives or other information in indicators

  • medbenali/CyberScan

    CyberScan: Network's Forensics ToolKit

  • faucetsdn/poseidon

    Poseidon is a python-based application that leverages software defined networks (SDN) to acquire and then feed network traffic to a number of machine learning techniques. The machine learning algorithms classify and predict the type of device.

  • fkie-cad/friTap

    Simplifying SSL/TLS traffic analysis for researchers by making SSL decryption effortless.

  • stamparm/blackbook

    Blackbook of malware domains

  • asiamina/A-Course-on-Digital-Forensics

    A course on "Digital Forensics" designed and offered in the Computer Science Department at Texas Tech University

    Language:Rich Text Format17717143
  • nipunjaswal/networkforensics

    Hands-On Network Forensics by Nipun Jaswal

  • fkie-cad/pcapFS

    A FUSE module to mount captured network data

  • cdpxe/nefias

    Network Forensic & Anomaly Detection System; tailored for covert channel/network steganography detection

  • cdpxe/NetworkCovertChannels

    Some network covert channel projects of my own research, containing a protocol channel tool (protocol switching covert channel, PCT/PSCC), a protocol hopping covert channel (PHCC) tool, the protocol channel-aware active warden (PCAW) and ... VSTT.

  • MartinaZembjakova/Network-forensic-tools-taxonomy

    Overview of some network tools that can be used during the network forensics (extended with some publicly available datasets)

  • fkie-cad/TLExport

    The goal of this project is to help researchers/investigaters to export the decrypted TLS content into a PCAP

  • bustaPcap


    Program for static analysis of pcap files and recreation of information sent

  • farazulhoda/network-traffic-analysis

    The Network Traffic Analyzer is a Python script designed for capturing and analyzing network traffic, focusing primarily on DNS traffic. This tool provides users with the capability to monitor network activity in real-time and extract relevant information from captured packets.

  • Khaoulahidaawi/NIPDS

    Designing and implementing a Packet-Based Intelligent Network phishing Intrusion Detection system. The idea of the design is to use machine learning to classify Network packets to benign and phishing in real-time flow (for both http/https protocol) based on DNS records and domain name features. It operates by using a pre-programmed list of known phishing threat features and their indicators of compromise (IOCs). As a signature based INPDS it will monitor the packets traversing the network, it compares these packets to the database of known IOCs or attack signatures to flag any suspicious behavior.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook4103
  • denverskylines/p0f-api-legacy

    passive device fingerprinting api for network intrustion detection

  • MikeHorn-git/PsqlHunter

    Hunt sql commands in pcap

  • rhacrsse/AutomIoT

    IoT Forensics Master Thesis @PoliMi

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2100
  • shivnshu/network-forensics-framework

    Usable web interface to perform offline network analysis

  • axmahr/PcapCleaner

    Filter background traffic from capture files

  • B4K35/SIT327-Network-Forensics-Lab

    This repository was designed to help streamline the process of completing the Deakin unit SIT327 Network Forensics.

  • Baniur/Writeups

    Write-ups for CTF-like, CyberSec training platforms (BTLO, CyberDefenders, Hack The Box Sherlocks)

  • johnbumgarner/forensics_tools

    This repository contains various scripts that can be used to obtain information about IP addresses and MAC addresses.

  • MichalSoltysikSOC/Cybersecurity-content-videos

    Cybersecurity content (YouTube videos) | (1) Deep packet inspection analyses - why the typical approach is not enough | (2) Deep Packet Inspection Analysis - Examining One Packet Killers | (3) Remcos RAT threat analysis on Windows including IEC 60870-5-104 traffic

  • Baniur/

    Write-ups for CTF-like, CyberSec training platforms (BTLO, CyberDefenders) | Repository of forensic artifacts which are useful in real world and CTF investigations

  • lucadibello/wiremap-public

    🛰️ A sophisticated network mapper and analyser

  • 53845714nF/brassfork

    Fork of brassfork Tool which format pcap files to Gephi readable files

  • bolisettynihith/Intro-Network-Forensics-challenges

    Contains beginner-level network forensics challenges from various CTFs.

  • BraydenProckish/buffn3rd-Writeups

    These are my writeups for cybersecurity platforms that will go in-depth on how I solved a challenge.

  • computerforensicslab/honeypots

    NETWORK FORENSICS: 25 different honeypots in a single pypi package! (dns, ftp, httpproxy, http, https, imap, mysql, pop3, postgres, redis, smb, smtp, socks5, ssh, telnet, vnc, mssql, elastic, ldap, ntp, memcache, snmp, oracle, sip and irc)

  • githubfoam/tshark-githubactions

    tshark network forensics ubuntu

  • githubfoam/tshark-sandbox

    tshark network forensics ubuntu windows

  • N4rr34n6/BitTorrent-Analysis-Tool

    This PowerShell script (BitTorrent.ps1) processes a PCAPNG capture file to extract and analyze BitTorrent traffic.

  • N4rr34n6/Probe-Request-Capture-Tool

    This PowerShell-based tool captures wireless network probe requests using TShark (the command-line version of Wireshark), processes the data in real time, and stores the results in a CSV file. The tool provides detailed insights into WLAN networks and associated MAC addresses, making it useful for network diagnostics and analysis.
