
There are 5 repositories under no-if-statement topic.

  • adieuadieu/alagarr

    🦍 Alagarr is a request-response helper library that removes the boilerplate from your Node.js (AWS Lambda) serverless functions and helps make your code portable.

  • Alessandro-Salerno/SalernOS-Kernel

    The SalernOS Kernel is a core component of the SalernOS Operating System - A toy OS to learn more about Operating System Development

  • adieuadieu/tslint-functional-preset

    🌳 A "functional" preset for TSLint with some crazy defaults that promote a functional, immutable, and declarative programming style in TypeScript.

  • adieuadieu/aws-kms-thingy

    🔐 Convenience wrapper & CLI around the AWS Node.js SDK to make encrypting/decrypting secrets with the AWS KMS service a one-liner. Suitable for use with AWS Lambda.

  • GregEakin/FizzBuzz

    The FizzBuzz game with no conditional conde.
