
The SalernOS Kernel is a core component of the SalernOS Operating System - A toy OS to learn more about Operating System Development

Primary LanguageCGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


If you're intrested in the development of the SalernOS Kernel, check out the hellow branch. The hellow branch focusses on getting a "Hello world" program to run in userspace. It also aims to speed up Kernel development by including third-party modules (like Limine and limine-terminal-port) and enhance the developer experience with linting, multithreaded Makefiles, and more.

Contributors Forks Stargazers Issues MIT License shield

Stargazers repo roster for @Alessandro-Salerno/SalernOS-Kernel

SalernOS Kernel

The SalernOS Kernel is a fundamental component of SalernOS: a toy OS I'm working on.

Source Tree Strucutre

The source tree is structured as follows:

  • src Contains all the source code for the core parts of the kernel
  • intf Contains headers for kernel libraries
  • arch Contains architecture-specific code (Not yet) and BootStandard-specific code, like the linker script used to link the kernel
  • kstd Contains a pseudo C Standard Library for the kernel
  • klib Contains code that is dependent on other parts of the kernel (Such as kstd, include and src), but are not important enough to keep inside the core source
  • make Contains files included by the main Makefile
  • obj Is created by the Makefile and contains the object files (.o) derived from the compilation of the kernel
  • bin Is created by the Makefile and contains the final kernel ELF64 binary


To set the environment up, just type make setup and hit enter.

Building the Kernel

To compile the entire kernel, just type make kernel and hit enter.


  • A C Compiler (GCC) for x86_64
  • An assembler (NASM) for x86_64
  • A linker (LD)
  • Make

All required software is bundled with the SalernOS-Buildenv

Source Tree Naming Conventions

  • Folders in the main directory must be named using short series of lowercase characters
  • Subfolders must be named using CamelCase notation and may not exceed 1 word
  • File names must NOT contain spaces or other special characters, and shall only consist of short series of lowercase characters

These rules do not apply to special files and folders such as Makefiles.

C Source File Structure

  • Source Files must contain commented notices, such as licenses, warnings and comments as their first sections.
  • Source Files must contain Compiler Directives in order:
    • Include statements (From longest to shortest)
    • Macros and constants (Horizontaly aligned)
  • Source Files can contain optional sections in the following order:
    • Type definitions
    • Static global variables (Horizontaly aligned)
    • Other global variables (Horizontaly aligned)
    • Static functions
    • Function implementations

Sections must be separated by two blank lines and the file must end with an empty line as well.

Source File Example


#include <kerninc.h>
#include "other.h"

static bool     aStaticBool;
static uint32_t aStaticUint32;

bool     aBool;
uint32_t aUint32;

static void __static_function__() {

uint32_t kernel_other_implementation() {
    return 50;

C Header File Structure

  • Header Files must contain commented notices, such as licenses, warnings and comments as their first sections.
  • Header Files must contain Compiler Directives in order:
    • Include guards
    • Include statements (From longest to shortest)
    • Macros and constants (Horizontaly aligned)
  • Header Files can contain optional sections in the following order:
    • Type definitions
    • extern variables (Part of a table of variables comprised of two columns: type and name - Horizontaly and verticaly aligned)
    • Function declarations (Part of a table of functions comprised of three columns: return type, name and arguments - Horizontaly and verticaly aligned)
  • Header Files must NOT contain:
    • Non extern global variables
    • Static functions
  • The body of Header Files must be indented

Header File Example


    #include <kerntypes.h>

           TYPE   NAME
    extern bool   anExternBool;

    void      kernel_other_declaration  ();

The variables and functions tables must be organized as follows:

  • The top border must start with / and end with * in the precise column where the bottom border ends
  • The bottom border must start with * and end with /. If the header exceeds the longest element's length (Like in the function table example), the / must be one column to the right of the header. Otherwise, the / must be on the same column as the semicolon of the longest element

Assembly File Structure

A structure for .asm files will soon be defined. In the meanwhile, try to match the style of existing files.

Naming Conventions (For src/)

  • Type names must follow the POSIX Standard type notation (name_t) and should be as short as possible
  • Function names must follow the scheme kernel_category_target_action, such as kernel_kdd_pxcolor_set and kernel_kdd_pxcolor_get. If the category is the target, such as kernel_mmap_initialize, the target section can be dropped
  • Static function names must follow the scheme __action_target__, such as __get_pxptr__
  • Static global variables and global variables must use pascalCase notation
  • Static local variables and local variables must be comprised of lowecase characters and must start with a _ as in _local_variable
  • Function arguments must be comprised of lowercase characters and must start with __ as in __function_argument
  • Struct fields must use CamelCase notation and must start with _
  • Constants and macros defined using #define must be comprised of UPPERCASE characters, with words separated by _ such as in ARGRET(__arg, __val) or PIC1_COMMAND
  • Constants declared with const must be comprised of UPPERCASE characters, with words separated by _ and must start with _, such as in _KERNEL_START

Best Practices

  • Use 4-space indentation
  • Put brackets on the same line as the declaration
  • Put * next to the type in pointer declarations (int* p not int *p)
  • Avoid if statements whenever possible
  • Try to use case-specific types (Such as uint16_t) instead of generic types like int
  • Try to leave blank lines inside scopes to separate code areas
  • Try to be as precise as possible with padding and spaces. Any request containing (){ or a=b instead of () { and a = b WILL BE REJECTED WITHOUT FURTHER INSPECTION


The master branch is used for the current INDEV version. A support branch will be created for every Kernel release (kernel-florence-support for example).


You can find the roadmap here