
There are 446 repositories under notebook-jupyter topic.

  • aishwaryanr/awesome-generative-ai-guide

    A one stop repository for generative AI research updates, interview resources, notebooks and much more!

  • mercury


    Convert Jupyter Notebooks to Web Apps

  • elyra-ai/elyra

    Elyra extends JupyterLab with an AI centric approach.

  • jupyterlab-lsp


    Coding assistance for JupyterLab (code navigation + hover suggestions + linters + autocompletion + rename) using Language Server Protocol

  • earthengine-py-notebooks


    A collection of 360+ Jupyter Python notebook examples for using Google Earth Engine with interactive mapping

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1.3k949405
  • program-spiritual/DataAnalysisInAction

    (Finished) Geek Time Data Analysis Practical 45 Lecture - Detailed notes containing markdown images mind map code data can be read directly code test

  • hands-on-nltk-tutorial


    The hands-on NLTK tutorial for NLP in Python

    Language:Jupyter Notebook538210241
  • ContinualAI/colab

    Continual Learning tutorials and demo running on Google Colaboratory.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook335264100
  • tello-gesture-control


    Control DJI Tello 🛸 using hand gesture recognition on drone`s camera video-stream. Feel free to contribute!

  • davidsbatista/NER-Evaluation

    An implementation of a full named-entity evaluation metrics based on SemEval'13 Task 9 - not at tag/token level but considering all the tokens that are part of the named-entity

  • mlx


    Machine Learning eXchange (MLX). Data and AI Assets Catalog and Execution Engine

  • ChifiSource/Olive.jl

    pure julia notebooks

  • phelps-sg/python-bigdata

    Data science and Big Data with Python

    Language:Jupyter Notebook12890166
  • CodeBang06/Pythoncoder

    Python教程基础教程,Python3小白入门课程,python菜鸟教程,Python基本语法和安装,python实用教程,python程序教程,Python快速入门到精通,python少儿编程,python教学工具,Python全栈学习教程,python开源教程,python简明教程,python courses,python syntax,python syntax courses

  • GitLanx/Python-note

    《Python 学习手册》(第四版 + 第五版)笔记

    Language:Jupyter Notebook992137
  • giswqs/manjaro-linux

    Shell scripts for setting up Manjaro Linux for Python programming and deep learning

  • ParthS007/Loan-Approval-Prediction

    Loan Application Data Analysis

    Language:Jupyter Notebook886875
  • nachiket273/One_Cycle_Policy

    Pytorch notebook with One Cycle Policy implementation (

    Language:Jupyter Notebook734013
  • davibarreira/NotebookToLaTeX.jl

    A Julia package for converting your Pluto and Jupyter Notebooks into beautiful Latex.

  • quantsense/TimeSeries_Notebooks_Collections

    Jupyter Notebooks Collection for Learning Time Series Models

    Language:Jupyter Notebook625027
  • mtrazzi/two-step-task

    Implementation of the two-step-task as described in "Prefrontal cortex as a meta-reinforcement learning system" and "Learning to Reinforcement Learn".

    Language:Jupyter Notebook555012
  • radarsimx/radarsimnb

    Jupyter notebooks of radar simulation based on RadarSimPy

  • TheGlitchCat/Python-Course

    Python Basics, Machine Learning and Deep Learning

    Language:Jupyter Notebook5313029
  • ITMO-NSS-team/fedot-examples

    The repository contains examples for the AutoML framework FEDOT

    Language:Jupyter Notebook474514
  • louisfb01/iterative-grabcut

    This algorithm uses a rectangle made by the user to identify the foreground item. Then, the user can edit to add or remove objects to the foreground. Then, it removes the background and makes it transparent.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook44418
  • arturoeanton/go-notebook

    Go-Notebook is inspired by Jupyter Project (link) in order to document Golang code.

  • YifanTian/Stock-Analyser

    :chart_with_upwards_trend: Stocks technical analysis code collection and Stocks data platform.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook375113
  • mnist_by_zip


    Compression algorithms (like the well-known zip file compression) can be used for machine learning purposes, specifically for classifying hand-written digits (MNIST)

    Language:Jupyter Notebook35302
  • rahmanidashti/FairRecSys

    [Official Codes] Experiments on Generalizability of User-Oriented Fairness in Recommender Systems (SIGIR 2022)

    Language:Jupyter Notebook32406
  • recnac-itna/python_tricks

    Summary about advanced techniques, patterns and philosophy of Python. What's more, collect many inspirational examples to enlighten you how and where to use.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook27009
  • liuderchi/learn-js-in-jupyter

    📙 Interactive, cross-platform JavaScript ES6 / Python 3,2 notebook powered by JupyterLab and Docker

    Language:Jupyter Notebook24226
  • notebookexplore/NotebookExplore

    A collection of #MachineLearning #Python Notebooks 🤖 🐍📚 that can be launched to the ☁️ for use and experimentation. No setup needed, just launch it 🚀

    Language:Jupyter Notebook23204
  • ContextLab/abstract2paper

    Auto-generate an entire paper from a prompt or abstract using NLP

    Language:Jupyter Notebook20316
  • sanchezcarlosjr/evanotebook

    EvaNotebook - A P2P Browser-Based Computational Notebook for Real Systems with IA.

  • Thukyd/trade-republic-portfolio

    Python script to extract TradeRepublic transaction statements (PDF) and generate .csv overview sheets (Portfolio Performance &

    Language:Jupyter Notebook20512
  • ptyadana/Python-Projects-Dojo

    Collections of python projects including machine learning projects, image and pdf processing, password checkers, sending emails, sms, web scraping,flask web app,selenium automation testing,etc

    Language:Jupyter Notebook193016