
There are 16 repositories under object-oriented-analasis-design topic.

  • harismuneer/Library-Management-System-JAVA

    📚 A Library Management System designed in Java while following the concepts of decoupled layers (entities) and minimal code in interface (GUI).

  • mkassm/Design-Patterns

    This repo contains an explanation and implementation for common design patterns using C#

  • karlosdaniel451/internship-candidate-finder

    Final project of the Object Oriented Programming discipline of my Undergraduate course.

  • xxrjun/uml-editor

    🌔 NCU CSIE SE6029 OOAD Final Project, Spring 2024, M.S./Ph.D.

  • shanmugaraj1996/FlightReservationSystem

    Design of a Flight Reservation System to keep track of all tickets, flights and passengers. The system is able to track what flights are available and what is the current capacity for different flights. If someone wants to book a ticket, they can register themselves as a passenger by providing certain details. Once a passenger has registered themselves, they can able to book a seat in one of the available flights based on the current available capacity. Also, the system should allowed passengers to book two types of tickets, regular tickets and tourist tickets.

  • AlchemistPrimus/commandline_based_library_catalogue_application

    Commandline based library management system for library administrators.

  • fntsrlike/course-ooad-final-project

    Final project of OOAD course at NCU

  • 10manjunath/ObjectOrientedDesignCSE687

    Covers design and implementation of object oriented programs using the C++ language. This is an intensive course covering: design strategies used in object oriented design, essentially all of the Standard C++ Programming Lanaguage, and its Standard Library. A typical class will introduce some part of the C++ language, present a design principle that relates in some way to that part, and illustrate both with code examples. Four design and implementation projects are required that are progressively more challenging. A lot of work outside of class is expected. Students that complete this course with good grades will have the skills to work in almost any commercial or industrial organization in this country.

  • billowdev/inventory-system-plantuml-sequelize-seeder-example

    this repo create for showing example how to use plant uml and how to seeder data in sequelize using node (javascript)

  • dat16j/bank_example_xx

    From requirements to code

  • FedorSabeshkin/OOP

    Практика в объектно ориентированном анализе на примере разработки игры

  • m7moudGadallah/Learning-Object-Oriented-Design-Coursera-UOA

    This repository for learning Object Oriented Design through the Coursera course "Object Oriented Design by University of Alberta"

  • vijiboy/ObjectDesignTalks

    Object Oriented Design, learn by practical questions, discussions, trade-offs, code samples. Using wiki and markdown pages

  • fatihkaan22/CSE443

    Object-Oriented Analysis & Design

  • maciej-nowak/OAD-Ticket-Machine

    Ticket Machine (based on Poznan ZTM) with system design and analytic. Created at the University as the project within Object-oriented Analysis and Design classes in 2014. The purpose of this project was to try create parts of system in different technologies by every member of the team and collect into one single working app. Also to learn how to think of design and analyze systems or apps.
