
This repo contains an explanation and implementation for common design patterns using C#

Primary LanguageC#

Table of Contents

Suggestions for Object Oriented Design

Whenever writing code in an object orientated language, sticking to the following list of suggestions will make your code amenable to changes with the least effort. You can learn Object-Oriented Design and Analysis from this Link

  • Separate out parts of code that vary or change from those that remain the same.
  • Always code to an interface and not against a concrete implementation.
  • Encapsulate behaviors as much as possible.
  • Favor composition over inheritance. Inheritance can result in explosion of classes and also sometimes the base class is fitted with new functionality that isn't applicable to some of its derived classes.
  • Interacting components within a system should be as loosely coupled as possible.
  • Ideally, class design should inhibit modification and encourage extension.
  • Using patterns in your day to day work, allows exchanging entire implementation concepts with other developers via shared pattern vocabulary.

Why Patterns ?

The answer is we don't want to reinvent the wheel! Problems that occur frequently enough in tech life usually have well-defined solutions, which are flexible, modular and more understandable. These solutions when abstracted away from the tactical details become design patterns.

Software Design Patterns

It is a general solutions to common software design problems, each pattern is like a blueprint or guidelines on how to solve a particular design problem in your code. Design patterns are a bit more conceptual, It is knowledge that you can apply within your software design to guide its structure, and make it flexible and reusable. Design patterns help to create a design vocabulary, rather than having to explain the details of design solution over and over again to someone, you just use a suggestive word to describe it which making easier for developers to communicate You choose your pattern based on the problem space

Types Of Design Patterns

These are 3 categories used by GoF in their seminal work on design patterns

Creational Patterns

Creational design patterns relate to how objects are created or constructed from classes to increase flexibility and reuse of existing code. The creational design pattern come with powerful suggestions on how best to encapsulate the object creation process in a program.

Singleton Pattern

As the name suggests is Only create one instance of a class, There are several examples where only a single instance of a class should exist. Caches, App Settings, thread pools, registries, Database Context, Logging are examples of objects that should only have a single instance.

  • Real world example

There can only be one president of a country at a time. The same president has to be brought to action, whenever duty calls. President here is singleton. How do we ensure that only one object ever gets created? The answer is to make the constructor private (lazy construction) of the class we intend to define as singleton. That way, only the members of the class can access the private constructor and no one else lazy creation means that the object is not created until it is truly needed. This is helpful, especially if the object is large. As the object is not created until the “getInstance” method is called, the program is more efficient.

  • Class Diagram

Problem of using Multithreading in Singleton Pattern

As soon as multiple threads start using the class, there's a potential that multiple objects get created, so if the code run in parallel it will create two instances seperately from the class and it's against Singleton rule.

There are two ways to fix this problem

  • Is to add lock keyword to GetInstance() method to make sure that is object is locked until the first operation finished it's implementation
  • By double-checked locking

Example 1

class AppSettings
    // the class variable is null if no instance is instantiated
    private static AppSettings Instance = null;
    private AppSettings() {}

    public static AppSettings GetInstance()
        if (Instance == null)
            Instance = new AppSettings();
        return Instance;

Example 2

public class Counter
    // The sole instance of the class
    // the class variable is null if no instance is instantiated    
    private static Counter instance = null;
    public int count = 0;
    // just for locking this object to solve multi-threading problem
    private static object lockObj = new object();

    // Make the constructor private so its only accessible to members of the class.
    private Counter(){}

    // Create a static method for object creation
    public static Counter GetInstance()
        // Only instantiate the object when needed, to save memory recourses
        // Lazy Initialization
        // Double-checked locking
        if (instance == null)
                if (instance == null)
                    instance = new Counter();

        return instance;

    public void AddOne(){count++;}

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        Counter counter1 = Counter.GetInstance();
        Counter counter2 = Counter.GetInstance();

        Console.WriteLine("counter 1:" + counter1.count.ToString());
        Console.WriteLine("counter 2:" + counter2.count.ToString());

        Console.WriteLine("counter 1:" + counter1.count.ToString());
        Console.WriteLine("counter 2:" + counter2.count.ToString());

Simple Factory objects

Just like the factory in the real world to create goods, in software factory pattern create objects.

Problem example

Imagine a situation where you have a software that implements an online store that sells knives, and you sell only two knives, steak knives and chef’s knives, after that the store is successful and adds more knife types to sell, so the code of method to order knife will be like this with a lot of conditions

Knife orderKnife(string knifeType) 
	Knife knife;
	// Create knife object- concrete instantiation
	if (knifeType.equals("steak")){
		knife = new SteakKnife();
	} else if (knifeType.equals("chefs")){
		knife = new ChefsKnife();
	}else if (knifeType.equals("bread")){
		knife = new BreadKnife();
	}else if (knifeType.equals("paring")){
		knife = new ParingKnife();
	// prepare the Knife

	return knife;

To solve this problem we use Factory Method Pattern by creating a factory object whose role is to create product objects of particular types, so we will move the code responsible for creating objects into a method in the factory class like this

public class KnifeFactory {
	public Knife createKnife(String knifeType) {
		Knife knife = null;

		// create Knife object
		If (knifeType.equals("steak")) {
			knife = new SteakKnife();
		} else if (knifeType.equals("chefs")) {
			knife = new ChefsKnife();
		}else if (knifeType.equals("bread")){
			knife = new BreadKnife();
		}else if (knifeType.equals("paring")){
			knife = new ParingKnife();

		return knife;

So the above code of orderKnife which will be the client to use KnifeFactory will be like this

public class KnifeStore {
	private KnifeFactory factory;

	// require a KnifeFactory object to be passed to this constructor:
	Public KnifeStore(KnifeFactory factory) {
		this.factory = factory;

	Public Knife orderKnife(String knifeType) {
		Knife knife;

		// use the create method in the factory
		knife = factory.createKnife(knifeType);

		// prepare the Knife

		return knife;

The Benefits of Factory Objects

  • Other clients can use KnifeFactory to create knives for other purpose not only orderKnife method, meaning if there are multiple clients that want to instantiate the same classes, then by using a Factory object, you have cut out redundant code and made the software easier to modify
  • You can simply add knife types to your KnifeFactory without modifying the client code. which allows the developers to make changes to the concrete instantiation without touching the client method
  • Factories allow client code to operate on generalizations. This is known as "coding to an interface, not an implementation". The client method does not need to name concrete knife classes, and now deals with a Knife “generalization”. As long as the client code receives the object it expects, it can satisfy its responsibilities without worrying about the details of object creation.

Factory Method Pattern

It handles the creation of specific types of objects in a different way. Factory object to create the objects, Factory Method uses a separate "method" in the same class to create the objects

Define an interface for creating an object, but let subclasses decide which class to instantiate, which mean creating an object without exposing the creation logic to the client and refer to newly created object using a common interface.

A Factory Method is responsible for creating the subclasses on it's way, This is known as letting the subclasses decide how objects are made. like BudgetChefsKnife and BudgetSteakKnife

Steps to apply factory method pattern

  • define the class as abstract so it cannot be instantiated
  • define the method to create the objects as abstract to be defined by the subclasses which called factory method

Real world example

Consider an example of using multiple database servers like SQL Server and Oracle. If you are developing an application using SQL Server database as backend, but in future need to change backend database to oracle, you will need to modify all your code, if you haven’t written your code following factory design pattern.

Class Diagram

For Example

public abstract class KnifeStore {
	public Knife orderKnife(string knifeType) {
		Knife knife;
		// now creating a knife is a method in the
		class knife = createKnife(knifeType);


		return knife;
	abstract Knife createKnife(string type);

in above example, Now When a subclass is defined, it “must” define this createKnife method like this

public BudgetKnifeStore: KnifeStore {
	//up to any subclass of KnifeStore to define this method
	Knife createKnife(string knifeTYpe) {
		if (knifeType.Equals("steak")) {
			return new BudgetSteakKnife();
		} else if (knifeType.Equals("chefs")) {
			return new BudgetChefsKnife();
		//.. more types
		else return null;

Structural Patterns

Structural patterns are concerned with the composition or relationships of classes i.e. how the classes are made up or constructed or they help in answering "How to build a software component?", in other words how the entities can use each other.

Facade Pattern

This pattern provide a single simplified interface for client classes to interact with subsystem, A facade literally means the front of a building or an outward appearance to hide a less pleasant reality. The facade pattern essentially does the same job as the definition of the word facade. Its purpose is to hide the complexity of an interface or a subsystem. Facade pattern does not actually add more functionality. It simply acts as a point of entry into your subsystem

Facade Pattern is a wrapper class that encapsulate a subsystem in order to hide subsystem's complexity.

Real world example

How do you turn on the computer? "Hit the power button" you say! That is what you believe because you are using a simple interface that computer provides on the outside, internally it has to do a lot of stuff to make it happen. This simple interface to the complex subsystem is a facade.

Problem example

The following diagram shows the classes for simple banking system without facade, Customer class would contains instances of Chequing, Saving and Investment classes, This means Customer must instantiating each of these classes and know all their different attributes and methods

To Solve this problem we introduce the BankService Class to act as a facade class for chequing, saving and investment classes to deal with any other complexities of financial management instead the customer himself, A facade class can be used to wrap all the interfaces and classes for a subsystem not only on interface

Steps to apply Facade Design Pattern

  • Step1: Design the interface
public interface IAccount
    public void deposit(decimal amount);
    public void withdraw(decimal amount);
		public void transfer(IAccount toAccount, decimal amount);
    public int getAccountNumber();
  • Step2: Implement the interface with one or more classes
public class Chequing : IAccount {.....}
public class Saving : IAccount {.....}
public class Investment : IAccount {.....}
  • Step3: Create the facade class and wrap the classes that implement the interface
public class BankService
    private Dictionary<int, IAccount> BankAccounts;

    public BankService()
        this.BankAccounts = new Dictionary<int, IAccount>();

    public int createNewAccount(string type, decimal initAmount)
        IAccount newAccount = null;
        switch (type)
            case "chequing":
                newAccount = new Chequing(initAmount);
            case "saving":
                newAccount = new Saving(initAmount);
            case "investment":
                newAccount = new Investment(initAmount);
                Console.WriteLine("Invalid account type");

        if (newAccount != null)
            this.BankAccounts.Add(newAccount.getAccountNumber(), newAccount);
            return newAccount.getAccountNumber();
            return -1;

    public void transferMoney(int to, int from, decimal amount)
        IAccount toAccount = this.BankAccounts[to];
        IAccount fromAccount = this.BankAccounts[from];
        fromAccount.transfer(toAccount, amount);
  • Step4: Use the facade class to access the subsystem/client class
public class Customer
    public static void Main(string[] args)
        BankService bankService = new BankService();

        int mySaving = bankService.createNewAccount("saving", new decimal(500.00));
        int myInvestment = bankService.createNewAccount("investment", new decimal(1000.00));

        bankService.transferMoney(mySaving, myInvestment, new decimal(300.00));

Facade Pattern removes the need for client classes to manage a subsystem on their own, resulting in less coupling between the subsystem and the client classes

Facade Pattern handles instantiation of the appropriate class within the subsystem

Facade Pattern provides client classes with a simplified interface for the subsystem

Adapter Pattern

As name suggest, an adapter is a device that is used to connect pieces of equipment that cannot be connected directly. Software system also have the same compatibility issue with interfaces, in other word the output of one system may not conform to the expected input of another system, you will find this problem in pre-existing system need to incorporate third-party libraries or connect to other systems.

Real World example

Consider that you have some pictures in your memory card and you need to transfer them to your computer. In order to transfer them you need some kind of adapter that is compatible with your computer ports so that you can attach memory card to your computer. In this case card reader is an adapter. Another example would be the famous power adapter; a three legged plug can't be connected to a two pronged outlet, it needs to use a power adapter that makes it compatible with the two pronged outlet. Yet another example would be a translator translating words spoken by one person to another

The Adapter design pattern facilitates communication between two existing systems by providing a compatible interface. Another definition is allowing incompatible classes to work together by converting the interface of one class into another expected by the clients. Examples like SMS Clients, Database Adapter

Class Diagram and The Parts of Adapter Pattern

  • Client: the class who wants to use a third-party library or external system
  • Adaptee: the class in the third-party library or external system to be used
  • Adapter: the class sites between client and the adaptee, it implement a target interface to conforms what the client is expecting to see.
  • Target Interface: the interface which the client will use.

The above diagram shows that the client sends a request to the adapter using the target interface, The adapter will then translate the request into a message that the adaptee will understand.

The Steps to implement the adapter pattern with example of talking WebClient to WebService

example is the WebClient want to send any object but the WebService only accept a JSON object

  • Step1: Design the target interface
public interface IWebRequester
    public int request(object request);
  • Step2: Implement the target interface with the adapter class
public class WebAdapter : IWebRequester
    private WebService service;

    public void connect(WebService currentService)
        this.service = currentService;

    public int request(object request)
        var jsonString = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(request);
        var resposne = service.request(jsonString);
        if (resposne != null)
            return 200; // OK status code
        return 500; // raise error status code
  • Step3: Send the request from the client to the adapter using the target interface
public class WebClient
    private IWebRequester webRequester;

    public WebClient(IWebRequester webRequester)
        this.webRequester = webRequester;

    public void getInfo()
        object obj = new object();
        int status = webRequester.request(obj);

        if (status == 200)
            Console.WriteLine("Not OK");
  • In the main program, the Web Adapter, the Web Service, and the Web Client needs to be instantiated, The WebClient deals with the adapter through the WebRequester interface to send a request. The WebClient should not need to know anything about the WebService, such as its need for JSON objects.
class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        string webHost = "https://google.com";
        WebService service = new WebService(webHost);
        WebAdapter adapter = new WebAdapter();


        WebClient client = new WebClient(adapter);

Why we just change one interface or the both to be able to talk to each other?

This is not always feasible, especially if the other interface is from a third-party library or external system. Changing your system to match the other system is not always a solution either, because an update by the vendors to the outside systems may break part of our system, Also we don't change our system interface because if there are sub system using it.

Composite Pattern

Composite Pattern is meant to compose objects into tree structures to represent part-whole hierarchies, it lets clients treat individual objects and compositions of objects uniformly. For example Composable DTOs.

A composite design pattern is meant to achieve two goals:

  • To compose nested structures of objects
  • To deal with the classes for theses objects uniformly

Class Diagram

In this design, a component interface serves as the supertype for a set of classes. Using polymorphism, all implementing classes conform to the same interface, allowing them to be dealt with uniformly.

The Composite class is used to aggregate any class that implements the component interface.

A leaf class represents a non-composite type. It is not composed of other components.

You may have other composite or leaf classes in practice not just two, but there will only be one overall component interface or abstract superclass. A composite object can contain other composite object, since the composite class is a subtype of component. This is known as recursive composition

It is easier to think of composite design patterns as trees:

The Composite design pattern is used to address two issues:

  • How de we use individual types of objects to build a tree-like structure?
  • How can we treat the individual types without checking their types?

Solve this by enforcing polymorphism across each class through implementing an interface (or inheriting from a super class) and use technique recursive composition which allows objects to be composed of other objects that are of a common type.

Real World example

Every organization is composed of employees. Each of the employees has the same features i.e. has a salary, has some responsibilities, may or may not report to someone, may or may not have some subordinates etc. We will use example of how buildings are composed of generic housing structures

Class Diagram of the example

IStructure: is the component interface to describe building like a house, a floor or a room

Housing: is the composite class and it's type of IStructure and can contains other structures like floors or other housing objects.

Room: is the leaf class and it's a type of IStructure but cannot contains another room so its leaf.

The Steps to implement the composite pattern

  • Step1: Design the interface the defines the overall type
public interface IStructure
    public void enter();
    public void exit();
    public void location();
    public string getName();
  • Step 2: Implement the composite class
public class Housing : IStructure
    private List<IStructure> _structures;
    private string Address;

    public Housing(string address)
        this._structures = new List<IStructure>();
        this.Address = address;
    public string getName()
        return this.Address;

    public int addStructure(IStructure component)
        return this._structures.Count - 1;
    public IStructure getStructure(int componentNumber)
        return this._structures[componentNumber];

    public void enter()
        Console.WriteLine("You have entered the build: " + this.getName());

    public void exit()
        Console.WriteLine("You have exit the build: " + this.getName());

    public void location()
        Console.WriteLine("you are currently in " + this.getName() + ". It has");
        foreach (var str in this._structures)
  • Step 3: Implement the leaf class
public class Room : IStructure
    public string name;

    public void enter()
        Console.WriteLine("you have entered the " + this.name);

    public void exit()
        Console.WriteLine("you have left the " + this.name);

    public string getName()
        return name;

    public void location()
        Console.WriteLine("you have currently in the " + this.name);
  • In main program/client
class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        Housing building = new Housing("123 street");
        Housing floor1 = new Housing("123 street- First Floor");
        int firstFloor = building.addStructure(floor1);

        Room washroom1m = new Room("1F Mean's Washroom");
        Room washroom1w = new Room("1F Women's Washroom");
        Room common1 = new Room("1F Common Area");

        int firstMeans = floor1.addStructure(washroom1m);
        int firstWomens = floor1.addStructure(washroom1w);
        int firstcommon = floor1.addStructure(common1);

        building.enter(); // enter the building
        Housing currentFloor = (Housing)building.getStructure(firstFloor);
        currentFloor.enter(); // walk into the first floor

        Room currentRoom = (Room)currentFloor.getStructure(firstMeans);
        currentRoom.enter(); // walk into the men's room;
        currentRoom = (Room)currentFloor.getStructure(firstWomens);
        currentRoom.enter(); // walk into the women's room
        currentRoom = (Room)currentFloor.getStructure(firstcommon);
        currentRoom.enter(); // walk into the common area

Proxy Pattern

The proxy acts as lightweight version of the original object, and still able to accomplish the same tasks but may send requests to original object to achieve them. In a proxy pattern setup, a proxy is responsible for representing another object called the subject.

Proxy Pattern provides a surrogate or placeholder for another object to control access to it. Like a gateway for an object

Proxy Design Pattern allows a proxy class to represent and wraps a real "subject" class which are a part of your system to hide its reference like sensitive info or resource intensive to instantiate.

So the client will interact with the proxy class instead of real "subject" class, So why we use a proxy class and its types?

  • To act as a virtual proxy where the proxy class is used in place of a real class like using on Images and web pages or graphics editors, because single high image can be extremely large. or you have a heavyweight service that wastes system resources by being always up, even you don't need it at this time
  • To act as a protection proxy in order to control access to real subject class like using on learning management system that checks the credentials of a user or checking the count of Free SMS subscription
  • To act as a remote proxy where the proxy class is local and the real subject class exists remotely like using on Google API Document on your machine and in google server as third-party API

Class Diagram


Below is an example of a UML diagram for an online retail store with global distribution and warehousing. In this scenario, you need to determine which warehouse to send orders to. A system will prevent your warehouses from receiving orders that they cannot fulfill. A proxy may protect your real subject, the warehouses, from receiving orders if the warehouses do not have enough stock to fulfill an order.

Steps to Implement Proxy Pattern

  • Step 1: Design the subject interface
public interface IOrder
    public void FulFillOrder(Order order);
  • Step 2: Implement the real subject class
public class Warehouse : IOrder
    private Dictionary<int, Item> Stock = new Dictionary<int, Item>();
    private string Address;

    public void FulFillOrder(Order order)
        foreach (var item in order.ItemList)

        // process the order for shipment and dlivery

    public int CurrentInventory(Item item)
        if (Stock.ContainsKey(item.Id))
            return Stock[item.Id].Id;
        return 0;
  • Step 3: Implement the proxy class

the OrderFulfillment class checks warehouse inventory and ensures that an order can be completed before sending requests to the warehouse. To do this, it asks each warehouse if it has enough stock of a particular item. If a warehouse does, then the item gets added to a new Order object that will be sent to the Warehouse. The OrderFulfillment class also lets you separate order validation from the order fulfillment by separate them into two pieces. This improves the overall rate of processing an order, as the warehouse does not have to worry about the validation process or about re-routing an order if it cannot be fulfilled.

The OrderFulfillment class can be improved with other functionalities, such as prioritizing sending orders to warehouses based on proximity to the customer.

public class OrderFulFillment : IOrder
    private List<Warehouse> Warehouses = new List<Warehouse>();

    public void FulFillOrder(Order order)
        // for each item in a customer order, check each warehouse to see if it is in stock
        // if it is then create a new order for that warehouse
        // else check the next warehouse

        // Send the all the Orders to the warehouse(s)
        // after you finish iterating over all the items in
        // the original Order.

        foreach (var item in order.ItemList)
            foreach (var warehouse in Warehouses)
                // ..... 
								// if item in stock
								// warehouse.FulFillOrder(order);

Decorator Pattern

The decorator pattern adds new functionality to objects without modifying their defining classes. Like Open–closed principle.

Decorator Pattern allows additional behaviors or responsibilities to be dynamically attached to an object, through the use of aggregation to combine behaviors at runtime.

Decorator provide a flexible alternative to sub classing for extending functionality. Also Know as: Wrapper

Like a Black Coffee, Milk Coffee, Whip Coffee, and Vanilla Coffee

  • Black Coffee = the base
  • Milk Coffee = Black Coffee + Milk
  • Whip Coffee = Black Coffee + Milk + Whip
  • Vanilla Coffee = Black Coffee + Milk + Whip + Vanilla

Real World Example

Imagine you run a car service shop offering multiple services. Now how do you calculate the bill to be charged? You pick one service and dynamically keep adding to it the prices for the provided services till you get the final cost. Here each type of service is a decorator.

Class Diagram

Decorator is an abstract class that implements component interface to aggregates other types of component which allow use to "stack" components on top of each other.

Decorator serves as the abstract superclass of concrete decorator classes that will each provide an increment of behavior.

We build the stack of components starting with an instance of ConcreteComponent class and continuing with subclasses of the decorator abstract class.


You have a SMS service that provide sending SMS messages, you need to add more functionality when the SMS message has been sent, you will notify the customer at his email.

you can define any number of additional behaviors you want to ConcereteSMSService like NotificationEmailDecorator, that's better, unlike if you use inheritance of ConcereteSMSService, you will need to create a class for every combination of these behaviors

Steps to implement Decorator Pattern

  • Step 1: Design the component interface
public interface ISMSService
    public string SendSMS(string custId, string mobile, string sms);
  • Step 2: Implement the interface with your base concrete component class
public class ConcereteSMSService : ISMSService
    public string SendSMS(string custId, string mobile, string sms)
        return $"CustomerId {custId},the message {sms}, had sent to {mobile} successfully";
  • Step 3: Implement the interface with your abstract decorator class
public abstract class AbstractDecorator: ISMSService
    protected ISMSService notificationService;

    public AbstractDecorator(ISMSService service)
        notificationService = service;

    public string SendSMS(string custId, string mobile, string sms)
        if (notificationService != null)
            return notificationService.SendSMS(custId, mobile, sms);
            return "Notification service not initialized!";
  • Step 4: inherit from the abstract decorator and implement the component interface with concrete decorator classes
public class NotificationEmailDecorator : AbstractDecorator
    public NotificationEmailDecorator(ISMSService service) : base(service)

    public string SendSMSAndEmailNotifier(string custId, string mobile, string sms)
				// get the base and add on it
        StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
        result.AppendLine(base.SendSMS(custId, mobile, sms));

        // decorator method to send mail (additional functionality)
        // sending email logic here
        result.AppendLine($"this mail about sending SMS {sms}, send to {custId}, at {DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString()}");

        return result.ToString();
  • In Main Program/client
class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        ISMSService smsService = new ConcereteSMSService();
        // any additional Concrete Decorators
        NotificationEmailDecorator emailDecorator = new NotificationEmailDecorator(smsService);

        Console.WriteLine(emailDecorator.SendSMSAndEmailNotifier("123", "01154321101", "message 1"));

			// Output
			// CustomerId 123,the message message 1, had sent to 01154321101 successfully
			// this mail about sending SMS message 1, send to 123, at Monday, January 25, 2021

Behavioral Patterns

Behavioral design patterns dictate the interaction and assignment of responsibilities between the objects, Or in other words, they assist in answering "How to run a behavior in software component?"

Template Method Pattern

As name suggest, You may have used a template for writing your resume. The template would define the overall structure of the document and leave the details to be added in by you.

The template method defines an algorithm's steps generally letting the implementation of some steps to subclasses. It define the operations into Abstract class to allow subclasses override. It depend in generalization and inheritance

Note that the classes may choose to ignore overriding certain steps or choose to rely on the default implementation provided by the abstract class.

Think of it like another technique to use when you notice you have two separate classes with very similar functionality and very similar order of operations, After using generalization you can share the functionality between the classes.

Real world example

Suppose we are getting some house built. The steps for building might look like

  • Prepare the base of house
  • Build the walls
  • Add roof
  • Add other floors The order of these steps could never be changed i.e. you can't build the roof before building the walls etc, but each of the steps could be modified for example walls can be made of wood or polyester or stone.

Class Diagram


imagine you are an executive chef, The two most popular dishes are spaghetti with tomato sauce and meatballs, and penne noodles with alfredo sauce and chicken. Both dishes have the same steps to cook like boil water, cook pasta, add the sauce and garnish etc but each one have it's own implementation depending, each dish has a different sauce, protein, and garnish

UML Diagram

Steps to implement it

  • Step 1: Define Abstract class and Template Method
public abstract class PastaDish
    // The template method defines the skeleton of an algorithm.
    public void MakeRecipe()
        // The fixed steps
        Console.WriteLine("The dish has prepared");

    protected abstract void AddPasta();
    protected abstract void AddSauce();
    protected abstract void AddProtein();
    protected abstract void AddGarnish();

    private void BoilWater()
        Console.WriteLine("Boiling Water");

    private void CookPasta()
        Console.WriteLine("cooking pasta");

    private void DrainAndPlate()
        Console.WriteLine("Draining and plating");
  • Step 2: Inherit them in concrete class
public class SpaghettiMeatballs : PastaDish
    protected override void AddGarnish()
        Console.WriteLine("Adding Garnish for Spaghetti dish");

    protected override void AddPasta()
        Console.WriteLine("Adding Pasta for Spaghetti dish");

    protected override void AddProtein()
        Console.WriteLine("Adding Protein for Spaghetti dish");

    protected override void AddSauce()
        Console.WriteLine("Adding Sauce for Spaghetti dish");
public class PennaAlfredo : PastaDish
    protected override void AddGarnish()
        Console.WriteLine("Adding Garnish for Penna Alfraedo dish");

    protected override void AddPasta()
        Console.WriteLine("Adding Pasta for Penna Alfraedo dish");

    protected override void AddProtein()
        Console.WriteLine("Adding Protein for Penna Alfraedo dish");

    protected override void AddSauce()
        Console.WriteLine("Adding Sauce for Penna Alfraedo dish");
  • In Main Program
class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        PastaDish spaghettiDish = new SpaghettiMeatballs();
        spaghettiDish.MakeRecipe(); // Invoke Tempate Method

        PastaDish pennaDish = new PennaAlfredo();
        pennaDish.MakeRecipe(); // Invoke Tempate Method

Chain Of Responsibility Pattern

As name suggest, A chain of objects that are responsible for handling requests, It is a series of handler objects that are linked together.

When a client object sends a request, the first handler in the chain will try to process it. If the handler can process the request, then the request ends with this handler. However, if the hander cannot handle the request, then the request is sent to the next handler in the chain. This process will continue until a handler can process the request. If the last handler cannot process then the request is not satisfied.

How to work? so like trying everything until something works. Each object tries to handle the request until one is able to successfully handle it like Exception handling in programming languages

Where to use? examples like setting up a lot of ways to filter the emails from spam, social media, Promotions. or Validating something

Real world example

For example, you have three payment methods (A, B and C) setup in your account; each having a different amount in it. A has 100 USD, B has 300 USD and C having 1000 USD and the preference for payments is chosen as A then B then C. You try to purchase something that is worth 210 USD. Using Chain of Responsibility, first of all account A will be checked if it can make the purchase, if yes purchase will be made and the chain will be broken. If not, request will move forward to account B checking for amount if yes chain will be broken otherwise the request will keep forwarding till it finds the suitable handler. Here A, B and C are links of the chain and the whole phenomenon is Chain of Responsibility.

Class Diagram

Algorithm to solve problem if it's rules doesn't match and forgets to pass the request into the next filter, We will use Template Method Pattern to make sure follow this algorithm.

  • Check if rules matches
  • If it matches, do something specific
  • If it doesn't match, call the next filter/handler in the list

The intent of this pattern is to avoid coupling the sender to the receiver by giving more than object

What the benefits?

  • A more extensible, object-oriented and dynamic implementation
  • Easily re-arrange in what order the handlers operate
  • Clear approach with single responsibility in min instead of different conditions


See the example 1 of Payment Processing system in C# with no separation See the example 2 of Payment Processing system in C# with improvement separation

State Pattern

State Pattern lets you change the behavior of a class when the state changes.

State Pattern mean that the objects in your code are aware of their current state. They can choose an appropriate behavior based on their current state. When their current state changes, this behavior can be changed. It is used when you need to change the behavior of an object based upon the state.

you can also you the pattern to simplify methods with long conditionals that depend on the object state.

UML Class Diagram

Real World Example

Imagine you are using some drawing application, you choose the paint brush to draw. Now the brush changes its behavior based on the selected color i.e. if you have chosen red color it will draw in red, if blue then it will be in blue etc.


A vending machine has several states, and specific actions based on those states, Like Idle when the machine stay waiting for action, Has One Dollar when someone entered a dollar coin to buy some thing, Out of Stock when the machine doesn't have any of this item. and some actions like doRetunMoney or doReleaseProduct

State Diagram of the example

Class Diagram of the example

Steps to apply State Pattern

  • Step 1: define State interface
public interface State
    // all potential vending machine triggers and events
    // that change the state of the object
    public void InsertDollar(VendingMachine vendingMachine);
    public void EnjectMoney(VendingMachine vendingMachine);
    public void Dispense(VendingMachine vendingMachine);
  • Step2: Implement the states class that implement this interface
public class IdleState : State

    public void InsertDollar(VendingMachine vendingMachine)
        Console.WriteLine("dollar inserted");
        vendingMachine.CurrentState = vendingMachine.HasOneDollarState;

    public void EnjectMoney(VendingMachine vendingMachine)
        Console.WriteLine("no money to return");

    public void Dispense(VendingMachine vendingMachine)
        Console.WriteLine("payment required");

public class HasOneDollarState : State

    public void InsertDollar(VendingMachine vendingMachine)
        Console.WriteLine("already have one dollar");

        vendingMachine.CurrentState = vendingMachine.IdleState;

    public void EnjectMoney(VendingMachine vendingMachine)
        Console.WriteLine("returning money");

        vendingMachine.CurrentState = vendingMachine.IdleState;

    public void Dispense(VendingMachine vendingMachine)
        Console.WriteLine("releasing product");

        if (vendingMachine.Count > 1)
            vendingMachine.CurrentState = vendingMachine.IdleState;
            vendingMachine.CurrentState = vendingMachine.OutOfStockState;

public class OutOfStockState : State

    public void InsertDollar(VendingMachine vendingMachine)
        Console.WriteLine("sorry, there are no items in the stock");

    public void EnjectMoney(VendingMachine vendingMachine)

    public void Dispense(VendingMachine vendingMachine)
    { }
  • The Vending machine class will be like this
public class VendingMachine
    public State IdleState { get; set; } = new IdleState();
    public State HasOneDollarState { get; set; } = new HasOneDollarState();
    public State OutOfStockState { get; set; } = new OutOfStockState();

    public State CurrentState { get; set; }
    public int Count { get; set; }

    public VendingMachine(int count)
        if (count > 0)
            CurrentState = IdleState;
            this.Count = count;
            CurrentState = OutOfStockState;
            this.Count = 0;

    public void insertDollar() => CurrentState.InsertDollar(this);

    public void ejectMoney() => CurrentState.EnjectMoney(this);

    public void dispense() => CurrentState.Dispense(this);

    public void doReturnMoney() => Console.WriteLine("Returning money for the user");

    public void doReleaseProduct() => Console.WriteLine("Returning item product for the user");

Command Pattern

Command Pattern allows you to encapsulate actions/methods in objects.

The usual way is Sender object call method in Receiver object to run this method. The command pattern creates a command object in between the sender and receiver. Command Pattern means creates command objects instead of normal methods

The Sender creates a command object, Invoker invokes the command object do what it’s supposed to do. The invoker keeps track of the commands, manipulates them and invokes them.

The important thing is that the command pattern lets you do things to request that you wouldn't be able to do if they were simple method calls from one object to another.

Creating these requests as objects allows you to create very useful functionality in your software.

what is the purposes of the command pattern?

  • Store and schedule different requests. When you use an method of another object, you can store this command objects into lists, manipulate them before they are completed, put them onto a queue.
  • Allowing commands to be undone or redone like undo or redo edits in a document or any type in applications

Real World Example

A generic example would be you ordering food at a restaurant. You (i.e. Client) ask the waiter (i.e. Invoker) to bring some food (i.e. Command) and waiter simply forwards the request to Chef (i.e. Receiver) who has the knowledge of what and how to cook. Another example would be you (i.e. Client) switching on (i.e. Command) the television (i.e. Receiver) using a remote control (Invoker).

UML Class Diagram

  • execute(): do the work that the command is supposed to do
  • unexecute(): do the undoing the command
  • isReversible(): determines if the the command is reversible, return true if the command can be undone
  • Receiver Class: deals with the actual work of completing the command

The benefits of Command Pattern

  • Manipulate the commands as objects not methods calls, which enable them add more functionalities like putting commands into queues, adding an undo/redo function.
  • Decouples the objects of your software

For Example see the source code

Mediator Pattern

Mediator pattern adds a third party object (called mediator) to control the interaction between two or more objects (called colleagues). It helps reduce the coupling between the classes communicating with each other by encapsulating them. Because now they don't need to have the knowledge of each other's implementation.

Imagine that you want the house of the future. You want your house to change its own temperature once you have left, to brew your coffee when the alarm on your phone goes off, and to load the latest Globe and Mail news issue onto your tablet if you're home and it's Saturday morning, you keep adding more rules and more devices. Eventually you realize interactions between two objects is becoming complicated and difficult to maintain like this:

To be solve this problem and simply use mediator pattern, In the Mediator pattern, you will add an object that will talk to all of these other objects and coordinate their activities. Now, they all interact through the mediator. The communication between an object and the mediator is two-way: the object informs the mediator when something happens. Then The mediator can perform logic on these events.

Real World Example

A general example would be when you talk to someone on your mobile phone, there is a network provider sitting between you and them and your conversation goes through it instead of being directly sent. In this case network provider is mediator.

UML Class Diagram


The example will be the chatroom between team member developer and tester

  • Define the mediator abstract class
public abstract class Chatroom
    public abstract void Register(TeamMember member);
    public abstract void Send(string from, string message);
    // Send message to the specific objects like sending to only developers, only testers
    public abstract void SendTo<T>(string from, string message) where T : TeamMember;
  • Define the Colleague abstract class that talk to the mediator
public abstract class TeamMember
    public string Name { get; }
    private Chatroom chatroom;

    public TeamMember(string name)
        this.Name = name;

    // Set Mediator
    internal void SetChatroom(Chatroom chatroom)
        this.chatroom = chatroom;

    // Sending messages to mediator
    public void Send(string message)
        this.chatroom.Send(this.Name, message);
    // Receiving a chat message
    public virtual void Receive(string from, string message)
        Console.WriteLine($"from {from}: '{message}'");

    public void SendTo<T>(string message) where T : TeamMember
        this.chatroom.SendTo<T>(this.Name, message);
  • Implement Concrete mediator
public class TeamChatroom : Chatroom
    private List<TeamMember> members = new List<TeamMember>();

    // References
    // just set up/register connection between mediator and colleague 
    public override void Register(TeamMember member)

    // Sending this message for each members
    public override void Send(string from, string message)
        this.members.ForEach(m => m.Receive(from, message));

    // Register team members at once
    public void RegisterMembers(params TeamMember[] teamMembers)
        foreach (var member in teamMembers)

    public override void SendTo<T>(string from, string message)
        this.members.OfType<T>().ToList().ForEach(m => m.Receive(from, message));
  • Implement concrete colleagues/team members
public class Developer : TeamMember
    public Developer(string name): base(name)


    public override void Receive(string from, string message)
        Console.Write($"{this.Name} ({nameof(Developer)}) has received: ");
        base.Receive(from, message);

public class Tester : TeamMember
    public Tester(string name) : base(name)


    public override void Receive(string from, string message)
        Console.Write($"{this.Name} ({nameof(Tester)}) has received: ");
        base.Receive(from, message);
  • In Main program
class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        var teamChat = new TeamChatroom();

        var mohamed = new Developer("Mohamed");
        var ahmed = new Developer("Ahmed");
        var shimaa = new Tester("Shimaa");
        var sara = new Tester("Sara");

        teamChat.RegisterMembers(mohamed, ahmed, shimaa, sara);

        mohamed.Send("Hey everyone, i'm mohamed, lets get some fun");
        shimaa.Send("Oh, i have found issue while i testing your app");

        // developer objects will only receive this message
        ahmed.SendTo<Developer>("hey developers, i have bug i cannot fix it, anyone can help?");

See another example for marker positions with WebForms

Observer pattern

The observer design pattern is a pattern where a subject keeps a list of observers. Observers rely on the subject to inform them of changes to the state of the subject.

Simulate this scenario, imagine you follow a Youtube channel or blog or even Twitter, you visit them multiple times in day, you need to be active and know everything when blog posted, but what if you get bored? A better solution is when a blog posted or video uploaded the youtube or the blog notify you, so just make a subscribe, and when the video updated, the youtube will notify all the subscribers. Or in Twitter when you follow someone you are essentially asking Twitter to send you (the observer) tweet updates of the person (the subject) you followed. so in this example blog is a Subject who generates the updates, subscribers is Observers who is interested in the updates

So subject superclass has three methods:

  • Allow a new observer to subscribe
  • Allow a current observer to unsubscribe
  • Notify all observers about a new blog post

So Observer interface which has methods that an observer can be notified to update itself.

Real World Example

A good example would be the job seekers where they subscribe to some job posting site and they are notified whenever there is a matching job opportunity.

Sequence Diagram of the example

Class Diagram

  • Observer interface
public interface Observer
    public void update();
  • Subject Superclass code
public class Subject
    private List<Observer> Observers = new List<Observer>();

    public void registerObserver(Observer observer)
    public void unregisterObserver(Observer observer)
    public void notify()
        foreach (var observer in Observers)
  • Blog class which is subclass from Subject
public class Blog : Subject
    public string State { get; }

		public void setStatus(String status){
	      this.status = status;

    // other responsibilities
  • Subscriber class which implement Observer class
public class Subscriber : Observer
    public void update()
        // get the blog change or the changed status 

MVC Pattern

Model, View, Controller (MVC) patterns are a pattern that should be consider for use with user interfaces. MVC patterns divides the responsibilities into three parts: Model, View, Controller.

This pattern uses the Separation of Concerns design principle which allows your program to be modular and loosely coupled. Separating these will allow you to focus on each set of responsibilities separately.

UML Class Diagram

  • The Model: contains the data and logic that users want to manipulate.⇒ like Backend
  • The View: give a user a way to see the data of model or parts of it ⇒ like Frontend
  • The Controller: responsible for handling requests from view and changing the model

In general, Model corresponds the entity objects, View corresponds interfaces to deal with users (Boundary object), Controller corresponds with receives events (Control object). Model can exist on its own with no views or controllers.

Code Smells

Anti-patterns (Code Smells) is the patterns which has bad code. the purpose of code smells is to get out what is bad into the code, these anti-patterns exist in book Refactoring: Improving the design of existing code by Martin Fowler.

Refactoring is the process of making changes to your code so that the external behaviors of the code are not changed. but the internal structure is improved. This is done by making changes to code structure and testing these changes. You just making refactoring changes when you're adding features not once code complete.

Examples of Bad code (Code Smells)

  • Comments

    • Comments can be an indicator of poor design. Write just effective comments
    • The code has no Comments or code has many comments, which having no comments makes it difficult for someone to understand what the code is doing. Having a lot of comments might get out of sync as the code changes or a lot of comments to explain complicated design this mean you had done bad design.
    • There are reminder comments in the code like "Don't forget to do this" or "if you make a change to this, make sure you update the code in this other method" are indicators of bad code.
    • Comments are just very useful for documenting the APIs or documenting the reason why a particular choice of data structure or algorithm.
  • Duplicated Code

    is when you have code that are similar, but have slight differences. And appears in multiple places in your software.

    • This can be a problem, because if something needs to change, then the code needs to be updated in multiple places. This applies to adding functionalities, updating an algorithm, or fixing a bug.
    • Instead of if there are no duplicated and exist in one location, you having to update it in only one location and will make it easier to implement the changes and reduce the chance that you are missing a lock of code.
    • Apply "D.R.Y" or "Don't repeat yourself" principle
  • Long Method

    • Having a "long method" can sometimes indicate that there is more occurring in that method than should be, or its more complex than it needs to be. Sometimes a long method is appropriate
  • Large Class

    • Classes should not be too large, Large classes occur when more responsibilities are needed Over time, however, these responsibilities might attract more responsibilities, class continues to get larger and larger and take more and more responsibilities.
    • Large class need a lot of comments, meaning a poor design, So to solve that keep the class cohesive, so it does one thing well.
  • Data Class

    • "Data classes" are classes that contains only data and no real functionality, these classes would have getter and setter methods no much else.
    • The class must have to do more than just store data.
  • Data Clumps

    • "Data Clumps" are group of data appearing together in the instance variables of a class, or parameters to methods. for example
    // Bad code
    public void doSomething (int x, int y, int z) {
    // Clean code to store these parameters as object
    public void doSomething (Point3D point) {
    // Bad Code
    public class Shape {
    	publc int x {get; set;}
    	publc int y {get; set;}
    	publc int z {get; set;}
    // Clean code to store these parameters as object
    public class Shape {
    	publc Point3D point {get; set;}
  • Long Parameter List

    • Having a method with long parameter list can be difficult to use, which is bad, also require extensive comments to explain each of parameters does.
    • Avoid global variables.
    • To solve this, introduce all this long parameters as parameter object.
  • Divergent Change

    • "Divergent change" occurs when you have to change a class in many different ways, for many different reasons. Like Large Class code smell, The class has many responsibilities so the changes may be in variety of ways for different reasons.
    • To avoid divergent change, It will be nice if your class only had one specific purpose to reduce the number of reasons.
    • If you find yourself changing a class in multiple ways, you should be broke the class into separate classes. Notice, Separation of Concerns design principles solve to code smells Large class and divergent change.
  • Shotgun Surgery

    • A change in one place requires you to fix many other areas in the code as a result. This happen when you are trying add a features, adjust code, fix bugs or change algorithms.
    • To solve this issue, just moving methods around and organize them in a way to make sense but not in Large class code smell.
  • Feature Envy

    • This occurs when you've a method that is more interested in the details of a class other than it's own class.
    • If you have this method that seems to like to talk a lot to another class, it may better to but it within that class.
  • Message Chains

    • Message Chains occurs when the code has long message chains where you are calling, and get an object back, and then calling again, and getting another object.
    • Like a.getB().getC().doSomething(); this code smell cause complexity in your design and make code harder to test independently. It also can be fine if follow Law of Demeter.
  • Primitive Obsession

    • This occurs when you rely on the use of built-in types too much like int, long, float, string , they should only exist where possible at the lowest levels of your code.
    • Just use your own types better abstraction.
  • Speculative Generality

    • This occurs when you make a superclass, interface or code that is not needed at the time, but you think that you may use it someday. Like doing subclasses or different implementation for it. That may not actually help the code, you just Over-Engineering the code.
    • With agile development, you want to practicing Just in Time Design, This means that there should be just enough design to take the requirements for a particular iteration to a working system. This means that all that needs to be designed for are the set of requirements chosen at the beginning of an iteration. All other requirements in a backlog can be ignored.
    • You don't want to spend time writing code that may never actually get used, because the software changes frequently and Clients can change their mind at any time, and drop requirements from the backlog
  • Refused Bequest

    • This occurs when a subclass inherit something and doesn't need it, Then is it appropriate that they be subclasses of this superclass?
    • it may make sense for a stand-alone class. if only some subclasses use them, then it may be better to define those behaviors in the subclasses only