
There are 8 repositories under occupancy-grid topic.

  • bwalsh0/Stereo-Camera-Path-Planning

    Real-time path-planning from 3D reconstruction and depth estimation: an algorithm for calibrated stereo cameras.

  • qureshinomaan/Generate-Occupancy-Maps

    Using pre-trained DL models and Transformations for generating occupancy maps. Includes some other basic deep learning tasks. Feel free to contribute.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook12291
  • Swepz/LidarBasedGridMapping

    This Python project demonstrates Occupancy Grid Mapping in robotics and autonomous navigation using real-world data from the Orebro dataset. It processes odometry and laser sensor readings to create an occupancy grid map. With Matplotlib visualizations, it simulates robot navigation and mapping in a 2D environment.

  • AdityaNG/SOccDPT

    AAIML 2024: 3D Semantic Occupancy from Dense Prediction Transformers trained under memory constraints

  • AdityaNG/socc_plotter

    Semantic Occupancy 3D Plotter. This is the plotter made by the SOccDPT project to create fancy 3D visuals. You can use this for your own AV or Robotics visualization!

  • KorawitGems/sampling-based-Guided

    Sampling-Based 3D Planner With Occupancy Grid Map

  • Alex-T-RU-DE/Kuka-Youbot-danger-tape-and-mapping

    Adding danger tapes to the occupancy grid map

  • labvisio/is-skeletons-heatmap

    Creates an occupation map using skeletons localizations.
