
There are 186 repositories under ols-regression topic.

  • JuliaStats/MultivariateStats.jl

    A Julia package for multivariate statistics and data analysis (e.g. dimension reduction)

  • marcelomijas/econometrics-cheatsheet

    Multiple econometrics cheat sheets with a complete and summarize review going from the basics of an econometric model to the solution of the most popular problems.

  • olmallet81/URT

    Fast Unit Root Tests and OLS regression in C++ with wrappers for R and Python

  • TatevKaren/econometric-algorithms

    Popular Econometrics content with code; Simple Linear Regression, Multiple Linear Regression, OLS, Event Study including Time Series Analysis, Fixed Effects and Random Effects Regressions for Panel Data, Heckman_2_Step for selection bias, Hausman Wu test for Endogeneity in Python, R, and STATA.

  • faosorios/fastmatrix

    Fast computation of some matrices useful in statistics

  • specification_curve


    Specification Curve is a Python package that performs specification curve analysis: exploring how a coefficient varies under multiple different specifications of a statistical model.

  • BendeguzBiksi/Master-Studies-Econometrics-I

    Master Degree Coursework: Econometrics I

  • vaitybharati/Assignment-04-Simple-Linear-Regression-2

    Assignment-04-Simple-Linear-Regression-2. Q2) Salary_hike -> Build a prediction model for Salary_hike Build a simple linear regression model by performing EDA and do necessary transformations and select the best model using R or Python. EDA and Data Visualization. Correlation Analysis. Model Building. Model Testing. Model Predictions.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook91011
  • r-structural-breaks-with-ml


    Detecting structural breaks in time series data using statistical analysis and regression models in R.

  • Guoliang2019/Oil-Price-Modeling-with-Machine-Learning-Methods

    Construct workable datasets from web data and applied various machine learning methods to predict future oil price

    Language:Jupyter Notebook5203
  • sahilichake/Indian-Crime-Data-Analysis-Forecasting

    Conducted data analysis, statistical analysis, and data visualization on an Indian crime dataset. Applied various machine learning algorithms to gain insights from the data. Utilized Time-Series models for prediction and forecasting based on the crime data analysis.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook5203
  • AbdirayimovS/Multiple_Regression_project

    Apex team`s multiple regression project. It contains: What is Multiple Regression? Advantages and disadvantages of multiple regression, least square method and real implementation.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook4100
  • boyla950/predicting-the-pound

    MSc Finance dissertation project at Newcastle University. This project focused on forecasting the volatility of exchange rates involving the Great British Pound using EWMA, GARCH-type and Implied Volatility models.

  • imnikhilanand/Bayesian-Marketing-Mix-Modeling

    The project analyses the impact of different marketing tactics on the sales of items. The problem is a multivariate-modeling problem as there are 3 different tactics of marketing. Since, the impact of marketing medium cannot be negative we will be using Bayesian model for regression.

  • mateoservent/coefeasy

    Coefeasy is an R package under development for making regression coefficients more accessible. With this tool, you can read and report key coefficients instantly.

  • vaitybharati/Assignment-05-Multiple-Linear-Regression-2

    Assignment-05-Multiple-Linear-Regression-2. Prepare a prediction model for profit of 50_startups data. Do transformations for getting better predictions of profit and make a table containing R^2 value for each prepared model. R&D Spend -- Research and devolop spend in the past few years Administration -- spend on administration in the past few years Marketing Spend -- spend on Marketing in the past few years State -- states from which data is collected Profit -- profit of each state in the past few years.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook4109
  • BendeguzBiksi/Master-Studies-Econometrics-II

    Master Degree Coursework: Econometrics II

  • govardhan26/Linear-regression

    Linear regression on numerical attributes

  • rakeshjasti/Car-MPG

    Predicting miles per gallon (MPG) for a car using UCI dataset

    Language:Jupyter Notebook3101
  • sanketmaneDS/Simple_Linear_Regression

    This repository introduces reader to basic concepts of simple linear regression and its application.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook3100
  • vaitybharati/Assignment-04-Simple-Linear-Regression-1

    Assignment-04-Simple-Linear-Regression-1. Q1) Delivery_time -> Predict delivery time using sorting time. Build a simple linear regression model by performing EDA and do necessary transformations and select the best model using R or Python. EDA and Data Visualization, Feature Engineering, Correlation Analysis, Model Building, Model Testing and Model Predictions using simple linear regression.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook3106
  • vaitybharati/P24.-Supervised-ML---Simple-Linear-Regression---Newspaper-data

    Supervised-ML---Simple-Linear-Regression---Newspaper-data. EDA and Visualization, Correlation Analysis, Model Building, Model Testing, Model predictions.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook310
  • vaitybharati/P27.-Supervised-ML---Multiple-Linear-Regression---Toyoto-Cars

    Supervised-ML---Multiple-Linear-Regression---Toyota-Cars. EDA, Correlation Analysis, Model Building, Model Testing, Model Validation Techniques, Collinearity Problem Check, Residual Analysis, Model Deletion Diagnostics (checking Outliers or Influencers) Two Techniques : 1. Cook's Distance & 2. Leverage value, Improving the Model, Model - Re-build, Re-check and Re-improve - 2, Model - Re-build, Re-check and Re-improve - 3, Final Model, Model Predictions.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook310
  • bvtvusn/Magnet-based-encoder

    Encoder using magnetometer on Arduino nano 33 BLE

  • jeevankande/Time-Series-and-Survival-Analytics

    Time series forecasting occurs when you make scientific predictions based on historical time stamped data. It involves building models through historical analysis and using them to make observations and drive future strategic decision-making. An important distinction in forecasting is that at the time of the work, the future outcome is completely unavailable and can only be estimated through careful analysis and evidence-based priors.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook210
  • KevinDepedri/AI-for-Finance

    Stock market prediction on 5 italian companies using VAR model, OLS regressions and LSTM recurrent neural networks over data retrieved from Refinitiv Eikon

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2300
  • myupeshkov/Econometrics_HSE

    Econometrics courses (Coursera and HSE)

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2100
  • north0n-FI/Multivariate-Regression---King-County-House-Prices

    Supervised Machine Learning Using Regression Analysis

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2001
  • nvlinhvn/water-consumption-campaign-analytics

    Evaluate the effectiveness of water consumption campaign in 12 districts

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2
  • omledufromage/Intro-to-Econometrics-Python-assignment

    Python programming assignment developing a simulation study and exploring the OLS estimator.

  • SMQuadri/Geely-Car-Price-Prediction

    Machine Learning Project

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2103
  • sumeetkotaria11/BitcoinAnalysis

    This project is aimed at analyzing and predicting Bitcoin price fluctuation using Natural Language Processing on Twitter data and subsequently applying VADER sentiment analysis.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2011
  • svmiller/eh6105

    Quantitative Methods (EH6105)

  • vaitybharati/P25.-Supervised-ML---Simple-Linear-Regression---Waist-Circumference-Adipose-Tissue-Data

    Supervised-ML---Simple-Linear-Regression---Waist-Circumference-Adipose-Tissue-Data. EDA and data visualization, Correlation Analysis, Model Building, Model Testing, Model Prediction.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook210
  • AScick/Machine_Learning_Project

    Bunch of exercises computed during the Machine Learning for Finance course.

  • ShaikRiyazSandy/Simple-Linear-Regression

    Simple Linear Regression

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100