
There are 17 repositories under pairwise-distances topic.

  • JuliaStats/Distances.jl

    A Julia package for evaluating distances (metrics) between vectors.

  • oliviaguest/pdist

    Calculate mean of pairwise weighted distances between points using great circle metric.

  • RozaAbolghasemi/Group_Recommendation_Syatem_GcPp_clustering

    A Jupyter notebook for a project centered around 'Group Recommendation Systems (GRS)' utilizing the 'GcPp' clustering approach.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook8100
  • seth-brown/furlong

    A zero-dependency Typescript library for computing pairwise distances

  • Pradnya1208/Similar-product-recommendation-system-using-CNN

    In this repository, we have implemented the CNN based recommendation system for finding similar products.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook5100
  • abhinavnatarajan/RedClust.jl

    Julia package to perform Bayesian clustering of high-dimensional Euclidean data using pairwise dissimilarity information.

  • sanketmaneDS/Recommendation_Engine

    This repository contains introductory notebooks for recommendation system.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook4100
  • Abhik35/Assignment-Recommendation-System-Data-Mining-books-

    Recommend a best book based on the ratings: Sort by User IDs number of unique users in the dataset number of unique books in the dataset converting long data into wide data using pivot table Replacing the index values by unique user Ids Impute those NaNs with 0 values Calculating Cosine Similarity between Users on array data Store the results in a dataframe format Set the index and column names to user ids Nullifying diagonal values Most Similar Users extract the books which userId 162107 & 276726 have watched extract the books which userId 276729 & 276726 have watched

    Language:Jupyter Notebook110
  • kunal-mallick/Book_Recommendation

    We are proud to introduce our new book recommendation system, This system uses the user-to-user collaborative filtering model to recommend books to users based on their preferences and ratings.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • shanuhalli/Assignment-Recommendation-System

    Build a recommender system by using cosine simillarties score - books dataset.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1200
  • vaitybharati/Assignment-10-Recommendation-System-Data-Mining-books-

    Assignment-10-Recommendation-System-Data-Mining-books. Recommend a best book based on the ratings: Sort by User IDs, number of unique users in the dataset, number of unique books in the dataset, converting long data into wide data using pivot table, replacing the index values by unique user Ids, Impute those NaNs with 0 values, Calculating Cosine Similarity between Users on array data, Store the results in a dataframe format, Set the index and column names to user ids, Nullifying diagonal values, Most Similar Users, extract the books which userId 162107 & 276726 have watched, extract the books which userId 276729 & 276726 have watched.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook110
  • vaitybharati/P35.-Unsupervised-ML---Recommendation-System-Data-Mining-Movies-

    Unsupervised-ML-Recommendation-System-Data-Mining-Movies. Recommend movies based on the ratings: Sort by User IDs, number of unique users in the dataset, number of unique movies in the dataset, Impute those NaNs with 0 values, Calculating Cosine Similarity between Users on array data, Store the results in a dataframe format, Set the index and column names to user ids, Slicing first 5 rows and first 5 columns, Nullifying diagonal values, Most Similar Users, extract the movies which userId 6 & 168 have watched.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook110
  • vaitybharati/Recommendation-Engine


    Language:Jupyter Notebook110
  • paul-lindquist/spotify-recommendation-system

    Built a content-based recommendation/recommender system specific to electronic music on Spotify using K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN), cosine similarity and sigmoid function kernel to generate similarity and distance-based recommendations. Video of the project presentation:

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0101
  • rajeevvhanhuve/Book-Rental-Recommendation

    Machine Learning

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0105
  • saikrishnabudi/Recommendation-System

    Data Science - Recommendation Work

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10