
There are 8 repositories under panoptic topic.

  • ethz-asl/panoptic_mapping

    A flexible submap-based framework towards spatio-temporally consistent volumetric mapping and scene understanding.

  • LaoYang1994/PanopticSegmentation

    PKU_360 Team's fuse code! This code is used to fuse the semantic segmentation result and instance segmentation result. We won the third place in COCO2018 panoptic segmentation.

  • Res2Net/Res2Net-detectron2

    Res2Net for Panoptic Segmentation based on detectron2 (SOTA results).

  • tamasino52/UNETR-Pose

    3D Multi-person Pose Estimation in Multi-view Environment using 3D U-Net Transformer Networks

  • zikuicai/HandPoseEstimation

    Keras version of Openpose with optimized model structure and C++ postprocess for acceleration. Trained and tested using CMU handpose dataset.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook20112
  • BrainLesion/panoptica

    panoptica -- instance-wise evaluation of 3D semantic and instance segmentation maps

  • frappe/panoptic

    Frappe App for Project Panoptic

  • VTTI/gaze-fixation-and-object-saliency

    This repository is related to estimating the driver's attention to the outside scene view as a point of gaze (PoG) w.r.t the gaze angles extracted from the driver facing view. We also explore analysis of gaze saliecny in form of heatmaps and yarbus plots.
