
There are 9 repositories under password-change topic.

  • kravietz/poppassd-ceti

    POP3 password change daemon

  • alexboia/LVD-FluentUi-PasswordRecoveryBox

    A ReactJS password recovery box component built using the FluentUI library

  • alexboia/LVD-FluentUi-PasswordChangeBox

    A ReactJS password change box component built using the FluentUI library

  • Alice-Rez/cat-world-fullstack-registration

    Basic MERN fullstack application to create user profiles where some of the functions/pages are available exclusively just for logged users. To make it more interesting, everything is wrapped in a cat theme using illustrations from icons8. Made as an exercise during the final stage of my one-year web development course.

  • fastuptime/Google_Password_Change_Bot

    Google Şifre Değiştirme Botu

  • norbekaiser/servicepanelng-api

    Self Hostable Servicepanel API Server

  • rhshurov64/authentication_project

    I have created a Django App for new user registration with Build-in Django form UserCreationForm where I used Email verification system with token. Also i have implement Login form with AuthenticationForm and for password reset i have used SetPasswordForm.

  • bbusse/dex-change-password

    dex web client for user password changes

  • siamshaeed/laravel8-multi-auth

    Here I will create a multiple guard authentication so that users and administrators can login separately. This will be a 2 part series because we have a lot of work to do and I will explain what you need to know about custom authentication. Let's get started, What will be doing here : Custom Guard, Model and Migration for Admin. Routes, Views, and Controllers for Admin. Manual Authentication. Middleware. Login Throttling. Password Reset.
