
Basic MERN fullstack application to create user profiles where some of the functions/pages are available exclusively just for logged users. To make it more interesting, everything is wrapped in a cat theme using illustrations from icons8. Made as an exercise during the final stage of my one-year web development course.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptOtherNOASSERTION

"Join our cat-loving community and explore new cat illustration on each page!"

Look at previews in Gallery or Setup the project locally


Basic MERN fullstack application to create user profiles where some of the functions/pages are available exclusively just for logged users. To make it more interesting, everything is wrapped in cat theme using illustrations from icons8. Made as an exercise during final stage of my one year web development course. Frontend created in React, backend in Express with MongoDB as a database and Mongoose for object modelling See details of implemented features.

Implemented features:

  • Sign up with displaying error messages when inputs does not correspond validations or when user already exists
  • Login with displaying error messages when data are not corrected
  • Profile page with customized welcome (greeting with user name)
  • Parts of the page (user list, profile, settings, messages) visible just when logged-in
  • Sign-in and Login links visible just when not logged in
  • Possibility to change password (necessity to insert also current password as a security) or add profile image (function just locally, not in deployed version on heroku)
  • Basic validation of the form data on backend:
    • email & username unique
    • email have to be in form of email although input is just type text
    • full name can contain just letters & spaces
    • username can contain just letters & number
    • password has to have at least 10 characters
  • Data are also trimmed and escaped at backend before inserting them to database or their usage for searching
  • Database schema and model using Mongoose
  • Authentication using JWT with staying logged in after refreshing page (token stored in cookie)
  • encrypting (hashing) passwords using bcrypt

Used technologies: React, React Hooks, React Context, Express.js, MongoDB, Bootstrap, CSS-variables, CSS, HTML

Used packages: Axios, Mongoose, Multer (for image saving), Cors, Dotenv, Express-validator, uid (uuid used as a name of image file), Bcrypt, Jsonwebtoken,


  1. clone this repository
  2. instal all dependencies using npm install in root and client
  3. start server in root by nodemon start
  4. start frontend part in client by npm start
  5. enjoy exploring of the application


Fig.1 : Profile page after logged in

Fig.1 : Settings of the new password and profile image


This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.