Cloud Engineer, Fullstack developer (MERN Stack), former Physicist
Pinned Repositories
2D animation of the Solar System. This project was done after finishing CSS part of the course (before learning SCSS and JS).
My personal repository
Small project that was done during my web development course just after 9 days of learning Javascript. Calculator was designed just for using mouse, not keyboard.
Mock up of the e-shop selling calligraphies - project created at the end of the React module of my one year web development course. Redux for state managment, Styled Components for styling. Calligraphies are my own handwork (all rights reserved!), just scanned and transformed to SVG.
Basic MERN fullstack application to create user profiles where some of the functions/pages are available exclusively just for logged users. To make it more interesting, everything is wrapped in a cat theme using illustrations from icons8. Made as an exercise during the final stage of my one-year web development course.
Group full-stack mockup of the flight-search application (authors: Alice Rez, Bel Costa, willoid) created during the database module of our one-year full-stack training. Uses MySQL as a database, Express.js for backend, and React.js for frontend.
Searching recipes application - partner project created after finishing vanilla JS in browser environment module of my web development course. Collaboration with Christian Heinrich (coffeepyros). Includes three staged API call
To-do application - first bigger project in React. Work in progress - developer version with basic and some advanced function (adding to-do, searching to-do, listing and sorting to-do, deleting/checking/editing to-do, option to display all tasks or just those that are opened/finished and sort them as well).
First React application (done at beginning of React part of my web development course, 10/2020) - application for searching collections of photos from Unsplash using Unsplash API. Refactored at 11/2020 to implement infinite scrolling. Refactored once again in 01/2021 to add backend as preparation for deployment
Project from second half of the javascript in browser environment module of my web development course (before learning React) - application that get from API basic weather data for selected location, manipulate them and display them to the user. Data are displayed with purpose to enable user quick orientation
Alice-Rez's Repositories
To-do application - first bigger project in React. Work in progress - developer version with basic and some advanced function (adding to-do, searching to-do, listing and sorting to-do, deleting/checking/editing to-do, option to display all tasks or just those that are opened/finished and sort them as well).
My personal repository
Mock up of the e-shop selling calligraphies - project created at the end of the React module of my one year web development course. Redux for state managment, Styled Components for styling. Calligraphies are my own handwork (all rights reserved!), just scanned and transformed to SVG.
Basic MERN fullstack application to create user profiles where some of the functions/pages are available exclusively just for logged users. To make it more interesting, everything is wrapped in a cat theme using illustrations from icons8. Made as an exercise during the final stage of my one-year web development course.
Group full-stack mockup of the flight-search application (authors: Alice Rez, Bel Costa, willoid) created during the database module of our one-year full-stack training. Uses MySQL as a database, Express.js for backend, and React.js for frontend.
Just simple exercise from my web development course for connecting frontend (React app) and backend (Express server). Sending login data to the server, checking, if they are correct (if there is user with the same set e-mail and password) and sending back message and user data.
First React application (done at beginning of React part of my web development course, 10/2020) - application for searching collections of photos from Unsplash using Unsplash API. Refactored at 11/2020 to implement infinite scrolling. Refactored once again in 01/2021 to add backend as preparation for deployment
Project from second half of the javascript in browser environment module of my web development course (before learning React) - application that get from API basic weather data for selected location, manipulate them and display them to the user. Data are displayed with purpose to enable user quick orientation
Podklady k prednáške na konferencii Frontendisti.
Simple analog clock created using HTML, CSS, and Vanilla JS. Two different designs (basic only CSS without marks and numbers; advanced with marks based on SVG).
First attempt with Angular - basic counter + udemy assignment for data binding
Code and walkthrough labs to set up serverless applications for Wild Rydes workshops
Group final MERN project of the one-year web development training. An app to support local Cafés during COVID-19 lockdowns working on the principle of the short-time crowdfunding-like campaigns.
Just small training app with Christmas twist :)
Code and attachments for our clean code course (
🤖 Fork me to try out Dependabot
A collection of useful .gitignore templates
Python Packages as AWS Lambda Layers
Playground for connection MongoDB with backend using Express.js and mongodb package for Express
First code in python - simple exercise on fetching API
Application that get quotes from API and display them with different level of randomization. User can choose, witch level of randomization he want to use by clicking on respective button.
React playground (simple registration and login, uploading and displaying photo, updating profile) - backend in this repository: . Really just testing file, nothing totally clean and organized :D
Just exercise for using redux for registration of the users and login
Handy bash scripts written to automate boring manipulations :)
Simple API created using Express.js and data from Exercise for my web development course
Simple example of Photogallery page build just using Vanilla Javascript - if clicked on small preview, the image will be displayed as a big image on the left side. When scrolled at desktop, the big image stays still on the same spot.