
There are 7 repositories under physicochemical-properties topic.

  • santuchal/Physicochemical_Properties_Small_Molecule

    Physicochemical Property data extraction from small molecule

  • kochlisGit/Wine-Preference-Analysis

    The purpose of this work is the modeling of the wine preferences by physicochemical properties. Such model is useful to support the oenologist wine tasting evaluations, improve and speed-up the wine production. A Neural Network was trained using Tensorflow, which was later tuned in order to achieve high-accuracy quality predictions.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook220
  • olgatsiouri1996/protein_physicochemical_properties_calculator

    ProtParam based program that outputs the id, pI, charge and molecular weight of each protein

  • aniket-ak/Machine-Learning-CASP-Dataset

    Prediction of the RMSD (Root Mean Square Deviation) of a decoy set using Physicochemical Properties of Protein Tertiary Structure Data Set using Machine Learning

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • rnsharma478/ChemEXIN

    An exon-intron boundary prediction DL method utilizing physicochemical properties of DNA

  • marcemir/wine

    Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) of Portuguese "vinho verde" wine dataset, examining physicochemical properties and quality scores.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook
  • nbehrnd/Tautobase

    Contains relevant project files to publicly available tautomer database "Tautobase" for DataWarrior
