
There are 49 repositories under pickle-file topic.

  • nano-bot01/Heart-Disease-Prediction-using-machine-and-deep-learning-techniques

    Heart Disease Prediction using machine and deep learning techniques works on heart dataset

    Language:Jupyter Notebook6101
  • erogluegemen/PurrfectLoaf

    PurrfectLoaf is a deep learning project that uses a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to classify images as either cats or loaves of bread. With a Streamlit interface, you can upload images and get instant results, showcasing the fun and power of deep learning in image recognition.

  • DeividSouSan/GenderClassificationWebApp

    Aplicação web onde você consegue treinar um modelo de Machine Learning para classificar uma pessoa como do sexo masculino ou feminino com base em seu nome.

  • jonathanciapetti/picklevw

    A simple reader with GUI, for pickle files.

  • MyProjects.MachineLearning


    In this repository, I am working on various machine-learning models and trying to deploy the website for the same.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2100
  • abeed04/Hotel-bookings-prediction-using-Machine-Learning

    Random forest algorithm can be used to analyze hotel booking data and predict booking behavior. This allows hotels to optimize pricing strategies, staffing, and identify potential cancellations for proactive guest communication.

  • Adith-gowda/Fertilizer_Forecast

    This is a Fertilizer Forecasting tool or an app, which predicts an optimal fertilizer from the collected soil and other depending factors. The tool is developed machine learning algorithms, streamlit-webapp. and streamlit-cloud.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • anne-ananya/final_mlproj

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • Bm08/AQI-pm25-Forecasting

    AQI Delhi pm25 Forecasting for next 24 hours from last three months Delhi Meteorology Department data.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • ChidhvilasTanay/drug_discovery_coronavirus_CHEMBL

    A Drug Discovery method using CHEMBL database, Lipinski Parameters, molecular fingerprint (padel) for SARS coronavirus 3C-like proteinase.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1101
  • DanniRodrJ/milling-machine_failure-prediction

    Machine Learning aplicado al mantenimiento predictivo. Se realizaron 2 modelos: 1 por medio de clasificación binaria que predice si una máquina fresadora estará en riesgo de fallar o no, y el 2 modelo a través de clasificación multiclase que predecirá el modo de falla

  • IGuy37/the-sock-exchange

    The labs for the Travelers EDP June 2024 program.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook110
  • Hospital_Readmission_Prediction


    prediction of Hospital readmission of patients using random forest classifier

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • machphy/twitter_sentiment_analysis

    Classify tweets as positive or negative using the Naive Bayes classifier with NLTK. This project processes tweets from the `twitter_samples` dataset, extracts features, and trains a sentiment analysis model.

  • RishabhRaj43/Disease-Prediction

    A Full-Stack Website made in MERN Stack that uses Flask API and Machine Learning Algorithm for Disease prediction

  • sagnik-datta-02/AQI_Prediction

    This is an ML project to predict the AQI based on the input fields

  • samay-jain/Face-Detection-and-Recognition-using-Python

    It is a realtime Face Detection and Recognition Model developed using python.

  • Sasidharan2024/Spam_detector_E2E_Project

    Developed a Spam/Email Detector utilizing TF-IDF and Bernoulli Naive Bayes (BNB). Leveraged TF-IDF for text representation and BNB for classification, ensuring efficient detection of spam emails based on their content.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • singhsourav0/Bangalore-House-Price-Prediction

    This Bangalore house price prediction project is simple linear regression based which accuracy is about to 70% . not much customized model it is .simple to to implement our technique.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • SRIDHAR3131/Industry-copper-modelling

    This project focuses on modelling industrial copper data using Python and various libraries such as pandas, numpy, scikit-learn

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • abeed04/Bank-Credit-Risk-Model-using-Machine-Learning

    Robust credit risk model that go beyond traditional credit scoring methods in banks

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • ayushh0110/Compressive_strength

    The Compressive Strength Predictor is an android application that utilizes ML model trained on dataset and an Flask API deployed on AWS EC2 instance to estimate the compressive strength of a material based on four input parameters: Grade, UPV (Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity), Rebound, and Age

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0101
  • harshd23/CourseQuery_AI

    CourseQuery AI is a comprehensive LLM project built on Langchain and Google Generative AI. For the e-learning company, we are developing a Q&A system. Thousands of students use the email or Discord server to ask questions. Students will be able to ask questions and receive answers via this system's streamlit-based user interface.

  • harshd23/EquiInsight

    EquiInsight is a specialised user-friendly platform made for investors, analysts, and financial professionals who specialise in equity markets. It is intended to make information retrieval simple. To get pertinent insights from the stock market and financial sphere, users can ask queries and input the URLs of articles.

  • JNewman-cell/StockProjects

    This project allows investors to see historical and current data of the stocks in the NASDAQ and NYSE to determine if they should invest. Data is updated automatically everyday to reflect new data from recent earnings reports.

  • sanhiitaa/salary-prediction

    End-to-End Machine Learning project I made as a machine learning intern @ Mentorness

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • ShahDishank/placement_predictor

    It is a website that utilize machine learning model to predict the probability of getting placed and salary.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • AqueeqAzam/rain-prediction-artificial-intelligence-fullstack-user-interface-project

    Create a comprehensive full-stack project that utilizes Artificial Intelligence (AI) to predict rainfall and provides a user-friendly interface for users to interact with. The project aims to leverage machine learning algorithms and data visualization techniques to provide accurate rain predictions, helping individuals and organizations make inform

  • fahmizainal17/Car_Price_Prediction_Project

    This repository is dedicated to developing a model for predicting car prices in Malaysia, utilizing various data science techniques and machine learning algorithms.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10
  • harshd23/PDFAssist

    PDFAssist is an innovative tool designed to empower users from all walks of life—researchers, students, and everyday individuals—by providing them with a seamless way to interact with their PDF documents. Whether you're conducting in-depth research, studying for exams, or simply need quick access to information within a PDF.

  • ikomalgupta/movie_rating_prediction

    This project aims to predict movie ratings based on various features using machine learning techniques. It is then deployed using a web application built with Streamlit, allowing users to input movie attributes and receive predicted ratings.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook
  • kmock930/Texture-Image-Comparison

    This project aims to build a model which classifies the type of an unseen image as accurate as possible, by implementing, evaluating, and comparing amongst 2 different multi-layer perceptron Neural Networks.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10
  • milesfryhover/GrocDisc

    A simple Discord bot to manage your grocery list. Add, list, remove, and clear items using chat commands.

  • Prasannapandhare/credit-card-worthiness-app

    This project is a web application designed to predict credit card worthiness using a machine learning model .

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10
  • Rohan-kini/SpamGuard-SMS-Spam-Classification

    "Empower your messaging experience with our spam SMS classifier! Instantly distinguish between spam and legitimate messages, helping you prioritize and manage your inbox effectively."

  • sudhi48/spam-detector

    flask based web app used to detect spam messages using machine learning

    Language:Jupyter Notebook