
There are 26 repositories under pnr topic.

  • efabless/openlane2

    The next generation of OpenLane, rewritten from scratch with a modular architecture


    Global Travel Assessment System | A passenger data screening and analysis system for enhancing global security

  • ghdl/docker

    Scripts to build and use docker images including GHDL

  • abdelazeem201/ICC2_scripts

    This repository has a list of collaterals needed for ICC2 workshop. It has a modified version of ORCA which was taped-out by NTI.

  • basemhesham/Design-and-ASIC-Implementation-of-UART

    This repository presents ASIC design flow for UART utilizing RTL to GDS implementation This has been simulated on VCS and has been implemented by using Verilog description language which has been synthesized using Design Compiler and Back End design using Synopsys IC Compiler II

  • abdelazeem201/ASIC-Implementation-UART

    This paper presents design of UART module for serial communication used for short-distance, low speed and exchange of data between computer and peripherals. UART mainly contains Transmitter, Receiver and Baud Rate Generator. Baud Rate Generator generates the clock for the UART. We can achieve the desired Baud Rate by using divide factor from system clock. If we increase the baud rate, speed of serial data transmission increases. As the dividing factor decrease baud rate increases. in this paper we set the system clock frequency as 50MHz and time to transfer each data bit is 23.75ns with baud rate of 42.1 Mbps (dividing factor is 32). Due to increase in the baud rate the time taken to transfer the data decreases, so it is very useful for faster communication devices. Transmitter and Receiver blocks designed by algorithm state machine method simulated in ModelSim, synthesized in Design Compiler, and extracted in ICC in Nangate 45 nm CMOS cell library.

  • porglezomp/minecraft-eda

    Electronic design automation for Minecraft

  • AkshayXPatil/Physical-Layout-Design

    Complete design of USART interface with baud rate selection

  • crackCodeLogn/PNR_Enquiry_IndianRailways_v2.0

    This project caters to the extraction of the status of PNR number (Passenger Name Record) of Indian Railways. PNR number is unique to each and every ticket bought in the railways. With the help of it, we can get the exact details of the ticket in hand

  • mohamedtareq24/ASICs_Design_Diploma

    RTL to GDSII flow of a low Power configurable multi clock digital system

  • Transavia/ShoppingCartExample

    Shopping Cart Example

  • abdelazeem201/RV32E201X

    RV32E201X is a 5-stage pipelined 32-bit RISC-V processor core.

  • crackCodeLogn/PNR_Enquiry_IndianRailways

    This project caters to the extraction of the status of PNR number (Passenger Name Record) of Indian Railways. PNR number is unique to each and every ticket bought in the railways. With the help of it, we can get the exact details of the ticket in hand

  • kholoud0/ASIC-implementation-of-CV32E40P-RISC-V-core-

    This repository contains my BSc graduation project at the Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University. The project focuses on implementing the RISC-V core, specifically the CV32E40 ,with a focus on achieving high performance and maximizing frequency through synthesis, place and route (PNR).

  • Li-Yueting/aloe-sky130

  • mohamedtareq24/ASIC_implementation_of_PULPino_SoC

    My Graduation Project for BSc of Engineering Ain Shams Uni which is ASIC implementation of PULPino SoC based on the cv32e40p (RISCY) core sponserd by ICpedia using Synopsys tools

  • vipulwairagade/get-pnr-status

    Get Coach, Birth Number and Status from your PNR number

  • abdelazeem201/DTMF

    Design and Implementation of Goertzel Algorithm for DTMF application on ASIC.

  • brijeshyadav2312/Gaamini-TrainInfo

  • m1x0n/easy-pnr-api-php

    PHP API Client for EasyPNR Decoder

  • praveenpuglia/railly

    First Class, Indian Railways Experience

  • RAJIV81205/Easy-Rail

  • sangamcse/myPNRStatus

    A script in python3 to check PNR status on your terminal

  • Sonalkri2004/KuliApp
