
There are 21 repositories under popularity-prediction topic.

  • dingkeyan93/Intrinsic-Image-Popularity

    The pytorch code of the paper "Intrinsic Image Popularity Assessment"

  • Xovee/ccgl

    TKDE 22. CCCL: Contrastive Cascade Graph Learning.

  • Xovee/casflow

    TKDE 2021. CasFlow: Exploring Hierarchical Structures and Propagation Uncertainty for Cascade Prediction.

  • social-media-prediction/TPIC2017

    TPIC: A social media dataset for temporal popularity prediction

  • currylym/video_popularity_cache


    Language:Jupyter Notebook13012
  • CaoQi92/PREP

    PREP: Pre-training with Temporal Elapse Inference for Popularity Prediction

  • Neel-G-png/Canary-The-social-media-monitor

    Social media monitoring system for reddit, youtube and twitter using public API's. Includes popularity prediction graph calculated using upvotes, likes and retweets prediction models.

  • brihijoshi/podpop-nlp4musa-2020

    Code for "Did You “Read” the Next Episode? Using Textual Cues for Predicting Podcast Popularity" accepted at NLP4MusA Workshop at ISMIR 2020

  • ChunjingXiao/TwitterPopularity

    An implementation for our paper: Time sensitivity-based popularity prediction for online promotion on Twitter (Information Sciences, 2020). This is an extended Latent Factor Model that can predict popularity values of tweets on Twitter when they are published at various times. The data includes Twitter user profiles and tweet information (tweetID, Text, published time, userID, retweetNumber).

  • eldinsahbaz/PopularityPrediction

    Predicting the number of views (i.e. popularity) of videos without time series data

  • csbobby/DTCN_IJCAI

    Sequential prediction learning framework and algorithm

  • AiningWang/Video-Popularity-Prediction

    including SH model, ML model, MRBF model, Altiman Model...

  • articuno12/ForTUNE_Teller

    Song Popularity Predictor

  • bhavyadubey/Online_News_Popularity

    This work will help online news companies to predict news popularity before publication ,the news popularity are often indicated by the amount of reads, likes or shares. For the web news stake holders, it’s very valuable if the recognition of the news articles are often accurately predicted before the publication.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • ebtezcan/Spotify-Song-Popularity-Prediction

    Supervised classification project that predicts a song’s potential popularity based on attributes found in Spotify data to inform business strategies that can keep Spotify competitive in the current market.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1103
  • jwmds23/SongPopularity

    Song Popularity Analysis Dashboard

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • chiajieh/movies

    Modeling and Prediction for Movies

  • ChunjingXiao/TwitterFacebook

    Find users who have accounts on both Twitter and Facebook, and identify cross-posts which mean two posts are actually containing the same information.

  • karenyxwang/Covid_Tweets_Impact

    This project uses the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Tweets dataset from Kaggle to build and optimize a machine learning model that predicts the influence, i.e. the number of retweets, of Tweets.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook00
  • nandhakumarss/Spotify-EDA-Popularity-Prediction

    An exploratory analysis of Spotify song tracks to predict song popularity using various Machine Learning Models.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • schatzopoulos/ArtSim

    Framework that can be applied on top of any existing popularity estimation method to improve its accuracy.
