
Find users who have accounts on both Twitter and Facebook, and identify cross-posts which mean two posts are actually containing the same information.

Primary LanguagePython


Find users who have accounts on both Twitter and Facebook, and identify cross-posts. Here,if a user publishes a tweet in Twitter and a feed in Facebook that contain the same information, we consider them as a cross-post). Just follow the ordinal values of the file names.


The codes in this folder aim to match the accounts on Twitter and Facebook. And UserNameSimilarFilter is the result with 12976 users.


This code extracts Facebook accounts from Twitter profiles.

input : TwitterProfile

UserID Name ScreenName Location Description Url Protected Follower Friend CreatedAt Favourite UtcOffset TimeZone Status Lang List statusCreated statusAll

outFile: findFacebookFromTwitter

userID #follower facebookAccount Url screenName


This code extracts Twitter accounts from Facebook profiles.

input: facebookProfile

|::|json format file from Facebook APIs|;;|

output: findTwitterFromFacebook

facebookID #likes twitterAccount website1;website2


Match the Twitter account and Tacebook account of the same user. Here are the methods: (1) if the Facebook acount can be found from Twitter profiles, it is selected and its matchedType is findFacebookFromTwitter (2) if the Twitter acount can be found from Facebook profiles, it is selected and its matchedType is findTwitterFromFacebook (3) if the links in Twitter and Facebook profiles are the same, it is selected and its matchedType is LinkTwitterSameFacebookLink

inFile: findFacebookFromTwitter

userID #follower facebookAccount Url screenName

inFile2: findTwitterFromFacebook

facebookID #likes twitterAccount website1;website2

output: findBothFacebookTwitter

twitterID #followr FacebookID #likes matchedType


Update the twitterName, facebookName, #follower and #likes in findBothFacebookTwitterAll based on the twitter profiles and facebook profiles

inFile: findBothFacebookTwitterAll

twitterID #followr FacebookID #likes Url

inFile2: TwitterProfileData


inFile3: FacebookProfileData

|::|json format file from Facebook APIs|;;|

outFiel: findBothFacebookTwitterAllUpdate

twitterID #followr FacebookID #likes howMatchUserID twitterName TwitterUrl facebookName facebookUrl


filter users whose similarity of names in Twitter and Facebook is more than 0.8

inFile: BothFacebookTwitterAllUpdate

twitterID #followr FacebookID #likes howMatchUserID twitterName TwitterUrl facebookName facebookUrl

outFile: UserNameSimilarFilter

twitterID #followr FacebookID #likes howMatchUserID twitterName TwitterUrl facebookName facebookUrl


The codes in this folder aim to identify cross-posts from Twitter and Facebook. And CossPostMergeFilter.rar is the result with 468,011 cross-posts.


This is used to match whether tweets in Twitter and feeds in Facebook from the same user contain the same URLs. PS: this use the function: isSameUrl(url1,url2) in IdentifySameUrls.py

input1: IdentifySameUser

twitterID #followr #twitterUrl #sameLongUrl FacebookID #likes #facebookUrl howMatchUserID twitterName facebookName timeZone 109118967 3904208 41 5 113525172018777 2464791 12 FacebookFromTwitterProfiles jaimecamil jaimecamil -14400 62477022 244525 15 7 192465074360 1724259 14 FacebookFromTwitterProfiles andaadam AndaAdamOfficial -18000

input2: expandDnsTwitterData

shortURL longURL status http://bit.ly/1Ux1bFx https://amp.twimg.com/v/77996099-1089-4371-944d-3e863875fd7b 200 http://www.warnerchannel.com http://www.warnerchannel.com/co/ 200

input3: expandDnsFacebookData

shortURL longURL status

input4: FormatTwitterTweets

userId TweetID #RT #favorite #comment date isRT isRep expandURL #mentions #hashtage text |::|14985126|::|714569507218456577|::|1|::|2|::|0|::|2016-03-28 21:47:01|::|0|::|0|::|http://bit.ly/1LammK9|::|0|::|0|::|What to https://t.co/WdNuNLJ0Mu|;;| |::|14985126|::|714520937341784064|::|2|::|3|::|0|::|2016-03-28 18:34:01|::|0|::|0|::|http://bit.ly/1o0Yy0R|::|0|::|0|::|When it https://t.co/ad5Go6wy7q https://t.co/N06Lnne6yE|;;|

input5: FormatFacebookFeeds

userId feedID #shares #likes #comments created_time type status_type link name description message |::|94319190752|::|10153640474135753|::|3|::|7|::|7|::|2016-04-14 02:00:00|::|link|::|shared_story|::|http://www.patheos.com|::|Sex and|::|For the|::|Even if|;;| |::|94319190752|::|10153640287040753|::|0|::|5|::|1|::|2016-04-14 00:00:00|::|link|::|shared_story|::|http://www.patheos.com|::|Are Polytheists |::|Why is|::|Yvonne|;;|

output: IdentifyCossPostUrl # is used for Question2EffectIdeal, Question3PostAll, and experiments

twUserID twTweetID fbUserID fbFeedID urlOrderNum #twRT #twFavorite #twComment #fbReshare #fbLikes #fbComment timeDifference twitterName facebookName 19019298 7.14543E+17 37791069588 1.01541E+16 13 1 1 0 0 0 0 -4 IAmBiotech IAmBiotech 13877002 7.15385E+17 72139486384 1.01541E+16 1 2 4 0 1 7 2 -583 clarionledger clarionledger


Match cross-posts by text similarity

input1: IdentifySameUser # generated by TwitterFacebookData2017\01IdentifySameUser

twitterID #followr #twitterUrl #sameLongUrl FacebookID #likes #facebookUrl howMatchUserID twitterName facebookName timeZone 109118967 3904208 41 5 113525172018777 2464791 12 FacebookFromTwitterProfiles jaimecamil jaimecamil -14400 62477022 244525 15 7 192465074360 1724259 14 FacebookFromTwitterProfiles andaadam AndaAdamOfficial -18000

input2: FormatTwitterTweets:

userID TweetID #RT #favorite #comment date isRT isRep expandURL #mentions #hashtage text |::|14985126|::|714569507218456577|::|1|::|2|::|0|::|2016-03-28 21:47:01|::|0|::|0|::|http://bit.ly/1LammK9|::|0|::|0|::|What to https://t.co/WdNuNLJ0Mu|;;|

input3: FormatFacebookFeeds

userID feedID #shares #likes #comments created_time type status_type link name description message |::|94319190752|::|10153640287040753|::|0|::|5|::|1|::|2016-04-14 00:00:00|::|link|::|shared_story|::|http://www.patheos.com|::|Are Polytheists |::|Why is|::|Yvonne|;;|

output: IdentifyCossPostText # is used for Question2EffectIdeal, Question3PostAll, and experiments

twUserID twTweetID fbUserID fbFeedID urlOrderNum #twRT #twFavorite #twComment #fbReshare #fbLikes #fbComment timeDifference twitterName facebookName 19019298 7.14543E+17 37791069588 1.01541E+16 13 1 1 0 0 0 0 -4 IAmBiotech IAmBiotech 13877002 7.15385E+17 72139486384 1.01541E+16 1 2 4 0 1 7 2 -583 clarionledger clarionledger

output: IdentifyCossPostTextRepeat # is used for Question1Overlap


Merge IdentifyCossPostText and IdentifyCossPostUrl into one file.

input1: IdentifyCossPostText

twUserID twTweetID fbUserID fbFeedID urlOrderNum #twRT #twFavorite #twComment #fbReshare #fbLikes #fbComment timeDifference twitterName facebookName 19019298 7.14543E+17 37791069588 1.01541E+16 13 1 1 0 0 0 0 -4 IAmBiotech IAmBiotech 13877002 7.15385E+17 72139486384 1.01541E+16 1 2 4 0 1 7 2 -583 clarionledger clarionledger

input2: IdentifyCossPostUrl

twUserID twTweetID fbUserID fbFeedID urlOrderNum #twRT #twFavorite #twComment #fbReshare #fbLikes #fbComment timeDifference twitterName facebookName 19019298 7.14543E+17 37791069588 1.01541E+16 13 1 1 0 0 0 0 -4 IAmBiotech IAmBiotech 13877002 7.15385E+17 72139486384 1.01541E+16 1 2 4 0 1 7 2 -583 clarionledger clarionledger

output: CossPostMerge

twUserID twTweetID fbUserID fbFeedID urlOrderNum #twRT #twFavorite #twComment #fbReshare #fbLikes #fbComment timeDifference twitterName facebookName 19019298 7.14543E+17 37791069588 1.01541E+16 13 1 1 0 0 0 0 -4 IAmBiotech IAmBiotech 13877002 7.15385E+17 72139486384 1.01541E+16 1 2 4 0 1 7 2 -583 clarionledger clarionledger