
There are 6 repositories under ppo-algo topic.

  • CherryPieSexy/imitation_learning

    PyTorch implementation of some reinforcement learning algorithms: A2C, PPO, Behavioral Cloning from Observation (BCO), GAIL.

  • georkara/Chargym-Charging-Station

    Chargym simulates the operation of an electric vehicle charging station (EVCS) considering random EV arrivals and departures within a day. This is a generalised environment for charging/discharging EVs under various disturbances (weather conditions, pricing models, stochastic arrival-departure EV times and stochastic Battery State of Charge (BOC) at arrival). This is an open source OpenAI Gym environment for the implementation of Reinforcement Learning (RL), Rule-based approaches (RB) and Intelligent Control (IC).

  • c2d08y/LearningBot

    A deep reinforcement learning Bot for https://kana.byha.top:444/

  • nowraiz/rung-rl

    Some (not so) naive RL agents for Rung

  • dfoshidero/RLModels_DOOM-CP

    Collection of Reinforcement Learning models for training in the VizDoom and CartPole environments. Developed by Group 2 for the University of Bath's CM50270 module, exploring advanced strategies for models navigating complex situations.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • MatteoStoisa/AutonomousLunarLander-DeepReinforcementLearningForControlApplication

    Master's degree thesis in Computer Science Engineering in collaboration with AIKO company