Chargym simulates the operation of an electric vehicle charging station (EVCS) considering random EV arrivals and departures within a day. This is a generalised environment for charging/discharging EVs under various disturbances (weather conditions, pricing models, stochastic arrival-departure EV times and stochastic Battery State of Charge (BOC) at arrival). This is an open source OpenAI Gym environment for the implementation of Reinforcement Learning (RL), Rule-based approaches (RB) and Intelligent Control (IC).
- 05110
- 15755584776
- anasnofalThe University of Jordan
- apexpromgt
- athakapoCERTH, convcao group
- Baurenz
- bbYcH
- blazejseko
- Brandon-Liu-JxSouth China University of Technology
- chenjiaqi-1220
- cimadureCanada
- colin-foxNcepuer
- EhmedNoal
- Fantasylearner
- fffffyj
- hao-li-2022
- harunhasdalLondon
- itsyogeshNone
- jjyao-1China,xi'an
- lalala215Zhejiang Univeristy
- lishang2b
- LNshutiData Engineer
- mickey72
- myang-zh
- Noureldinemam
- Panghuuuu
- rekingbcVancouver, BC, Canada
- riturajkaushikSandvik
- simao0620
- sora8814
- Thirteentj
- Tingker-liu
- wangjail
- xrickTaiwan, Taipei
- Yirga-16National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
- zhangao-blog