
There are 6 repositories under process-model topic.

  • processquerying/PQL

    Process Query Language (PQL) is a special-purpose programming language for managing process models based on information about process instances that these models describe. PQL is based upon temporal logic and adopts the concrete syntax of SQL.

  • kcg2015/Unscented_Kalman_Filter

    Unscented Kalman filtering in Python and C++ for tracking and localization applications

    Language:Jupyter Notebook14107
  • pieterberg/Process-State-Identification

    Chemical Engineering final-year project simulating a copper solvent extraction process with control valve faults using PCA and statistical classification to identify when the process enters a fault state

  • xsk07/Customs-Export-Process

    Implementation of the BPM lifecycle of a Customs Export Process

  • dumblob/XPMA_Modeler

    Computer Aided Software Engineering tool implementing the XPM combined model (harmonized with BPMN 2.0+ and CSDDM)

  • shounaknaik/KalmanFilter

    Implementation of Kalman Filter
