
There are 5 repositories under proxy-chain topic.

  • bia-pain-bache/BPB-Worker-Panel

    A GUI Panel providing Worker subscriptions and Fragment settings and configs, providing configs for cross-platform clients using (singbox-core and xray-core)

  • MihaZupan/HttpToSocks5Proxy

    C# Http to Socks5 proxy implementation


    This tool aims at automating the identification of potential service running behind ports identified manually either through manual scan or services running locally. The tool is useful when nmap or any scanning tool is not available and in the situation during which you did a manual port scanning and then want to identify the services running behind the identified ports.

  • forax/virtual-bean

    A simple API to compose bean behavior based on annotations

  • Greg-2600/proxy_scan

    Setup an environment for performing port scans via the tor onion network and/or open proxies
