- 1 & HttpParser
#19 opened by kiminuo - 1
How to make a random proxy in every request
#18 opened by zackmark29 - 2
- 2
Reopen internal server (after closing it)
#15 opened by Laiteux - 1
Does anybody have the same problem? "Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel"
#14 opened by davydovpn87 - 1
- 7
connection does not dispose properly
#12 opened by Bouki6 - 3
Unhandled Exception
#5 opened by Gretchin - 4
- 2
Cpu high
#9 opened by ductai230894 - 2
Losing query part of URI
#4 opened by KjellRS - 5
System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: 'A blocking operation was interrupted by a call to WSACancelBlockingCall
#7 opened by ductai230894 - 2
- 13
Ports exhaustion
#3 opened by d668 - 6
Adding headers doesn't work
#2 opened by d668 - 5
Target port in `CONNECT` method should be figured out from `request-target` (not `Host` header)
#1 opened by DCNick3