
There are 7 repositories under python-gui-programming topic.

  • ttkbootstrap


    A supercharged theme extension for tkinter that enables on-demand modern flat style themes inspired by Bootstrap.

  • alejandroautalan/pygubu-designer

    A simple GUI designer for the python tkinter module

  • AnolChakraborty/Py-Calculator

    Py-Calculator is a GUI calculator application with all the basic functionalities of a calculator written completely in Python3 using the tkinter framework.

  • LinuxEducation/tesTk

    tesTk is based on the tkinter library. The first layer of each widget is a canvas, so you decide how the widget will look and change. You can create animations, draw your own controls, change widget shapes. You can also easily combine multiple widgets into one. Tkinter Canvas allows you ->heck Wiki

  • ChintanAPatadiya/Employee-Payroll-System

    It is a python based GUI application that will manage the salary of the employee. Also, the details of the employee can be save and fetch easily and can generate the receipt and save it in the local storage. #python #tkinter #python-gui

  • ruchitjshah/QR_GENERATOR-PYTHON

    Its a python based GUI application that will generate QR code of employee. QR code generate of employee name, designation and etc.
