A supercharged theme extension for tkinter that enables on-demand modern flat style themes inspired by Bootstrap.
Pinned issues
- 6
- 1
Multiple FloodGauge with same bootstyle, all show same mask despite different ones set.
#513 opened by CLB-rootwave - 1
- 1
Treeview adjusts the style of the expand button
#595 opened by Glenyy - 5
enter title of bug here
#600 opened by zhx17787891171 - 3
ttkcreator don’t work
#598 opened by Alden68 - 0
- 1
Button lost it's style after first run
#544 opened by Archertheone - 1
- 0
cannot use configure() to change style of widgets
#594 opened by Ice-pumpkin - 1
child Window Don't can use meter
#593 opened by gtgor - 0
Support for custom widget classes?
#592 opened by DevilXD - 4
_tkinter.TclError: couldn't recognize image data
#584 opened by QingyuFeng - 3
ttk bootrap not working properly
#545 opened by mayur533 - 9
- 3
Python 3.11 errors out on using Meter
#563 opened by itguy217 - 1
TableView supporting row/colume/cell selection
#542 opened by yxdragon - 0
Error: line 595, in theme_use raise TclError(themename, "is not a valid theme.") I have messed up the themes and try to reinstall ttkbootstrap to start fresh but........
#582 opened by LesHol - 0
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- 0
Calendar doesn't pop up
#573 opened by CodingLama - 1
ScrolledText widget can't press Ctrl+A
#543 opened by peterju - 0
Adding Button to TabelView
#570 opened by AlexiJemano - 5
Ttkbootstrap and Ttkcreator crash with no error message when launched from command line
#553 opened by electrovoyage - 3
- 0
Floodgauge not showing text
#569 opened by MatthiasJaeger - 0
Tableview build_table_data,width aotu changed
#567 opened by tuyouyu - 0
bgerror failed to handle background error
#565 opened by UTexasRepo - 3
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- 0
Querybox.get_color Not Work
#561 opened by EVA-JianJun - 1
Bug( Line 856 - Image.CUBIC doesn't exist anymore, should be replaced with Image.Resampling.BICUBIC
#556 opened by JoshuaBarrass - 0
Notebook tab content doesn't proper update on MacOS
#555 opened by netaddict - 1
Toasts don't work under Gnome 45.4 (Linux)
#552 opened by nekkz - 0
button click perfomance
#550 opened by clay-tong - 1
Cannot run TTK Creator
#548 opened by ilkergoksen - 0
validation module documentation error
#546 opened by jvickroy - 1
ScrolledText: autohide and bootstyle "gone" Python 3.11, ttkbootstrap-Version: 1.10.1
#541 opened by Dirki74 - 1
- 11
Add height property to ttkbootstrap.Button(height=5)
#504 opened by smatthys - 1
locale.Error: unsupported locale setting
#534 opened by Zephyruss1 - 0
Attribute Error When Executing python -m ttkcreator due to Incompatibility with Pillow - FIXED
#532 opened by GabrielMouraS - 0
- 0
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CUBIC not found in the file
#522 opened by pjparks - 0
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Add selection_changed event to TableView
#509 opened by Aareon - 1
Spinbox: bug when setting a float value as increment
#500 opened by Mxnxl - 0
allow for `justify` argument in `tooltip`
#502 opened by ABDsheikho