
Notebook tab content doesn't proper update on MacOS

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Desktop (please complete the following information):

Latest Python 3.12.2 with latest ttkbootstrap on MacOS 14.4 (tested on M1 and x86). On Windows 11 everything works like expected.

Describe the bug

When creating a Nootebook element, with tabs the content of the tab stays empty until you leave the tab title with the mouse.

To Reproduce

Run the test code on MacOS:

import ttkbootstrap as ttkb

app = ttkb.Window(title="Test-App", themename="solar", resizable=(True, True), size=[300,200])
gui_notebook = ttkb.Notebook(app)
gui_notebook.pack(side="right", anchor="nw", expand=True, fill="both", pady=5, padx=5)
tab0 = ttkb.Frame(gui_notebook)
tab1 = ttkb.Frame(gui_notebook)
tab2 = ttkb.Frame(gui_notebook)
tab3 = ttkb.Frame(gui_notebook)
tab4 = ttkb.Frame(gui_notebook)
gui_notebook.add(tab0, text="Tab 0")
gui_notebook.add(tab1, text="Tab 1")
ttkb.Label(tab0, text="Some Text").pack(anchor="center", pady=20)
ttkb.Label(tab1, text="Other Text").pack(anchor="center", pady=20)

Click on Tab 1 heading and then click on Tab 0 heading and stay in the heading with the mouse pointer.

Expected behavior

The content should be displayed when clicked on the heading.


Click on heading to activate Tab 1:
Bildschirmfoto 2024-03-30 um 19 15 41

Click on heading to activate Tab 0 -> no content:
Bildschirmfoto 2024-03-30 um 19 15 57

Leave the heading with mous pointer -> content appears:
Bildschirmfoto 2024-03-30 um 19 16 10

Additional context

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