
CUBIC not found in the file

pjparks opened this issue · 1 comments

Desktop (please complete the following information):

Windows 10, Python version 3.11
looked into the source and couldn't find a version number for the ttkbootstap

Describe the bug

Running on a Windows box hit a defeat, Line 856 of the had img.resize((self._metersize, self._metersize), Image.CUBIC) which failed because it couldn't find the CUBIC definition. Changed it to BICUBIC and the issue went away. Not sure if it's a defect, but it allowed me to run the library/module on my windows machine. Hope this helps.

To Reproduce

trying to load the example code on the Windows command line

Expected behavior

No response


No response

Additional context

No response

I see it's already submitted and fixed, last November. Disregard.