
There are 66 repositories under python-scripting topic.

  • Deepali-Srivastava/object-oriented-programming-in-python

    Python OOP : Object oriented Programming in Python

  • Reven8e/multitool

    Simple Penetration Testing Multitool For Beginners.

  • Chukobyte/crescent

    A fighting and beat em up game engine for windows, linux, and macos written in C and uses OpenGL.

  • Yard1/HoI4ModdingPythonScripts

    Various useful Hearts of Iron 4 modding Python scripts

  • HunxByts/Reverge

    Tool CTF Forensik File extract/convert

  • sakshamssr/upanime

    UpAnime : Modern Search Engine API for Manga.

  • gopiashokan/Youtube-Data-Harvesting-and-Warehousing

    This repository hosts a project that enables efficient YouTube data extraction, storage, and analysis. It leverages SQL, MongoDB, and Streamlit to develop a user-friendly application for collecting and visualizing data from YouTube channels.

  • adamhl8/shellrunner

    Write safe shell scripts in Python.

  • ehusby/shell-utils

    Helpful tools for working in the Linux terminal (primarily Bash), and shortcuts for running scripts in Windows command line environments.

  • farazulhoda/network-traffic-analysis

    The Network Traffic Analyzer is a Python script designed for capturing and analyzing network traffic, focusing primarily on DNS traffic. This tool provides users with the capability to monitor network activity in real-time and extract relevant information from captured packets.

  • MennahMabrouk/Linux-service

    This project involves setting up a Linux server on Zorin OS to collect data about the PC workload, including CPU, Memory, HDD, and Network usage. The data is saved into a text file and sent via email every 12 hours using a Python script and a systemd file.

  • Veras-D/PyHolofotes

    Um programa Python para controlar um sistema Arduino RELE, injetando pulsos em superfícies para análises térmicas com uma câmera termográfica. Implementado no Laboratório de Transferência de Calor da UEMA, proporcionando uma plataforma eficiente para coleta de dados térmicos.

  • Ziaeemehr/workshop_scripting

    Scientific programming toolbox with python

    Language:Jupyter Notebook3300
  • artursniegowski/Mastering_Python_through_Projects

    This is a repository of professional projects that can be used as ideas to further your Python skills and master this versatile scripting language (Python).

  • LinggarM/text-modification-for-notion

    This repository contain some module & functions that can be useful to automate process on editing text that will be pasted on Notion (a productivity app)

  • Directory-Video-Duration-Calculator


    A script that calculates the total duration of all videos in a directory

  • Rishit-katiyar/mars-river

    A Python script for analyzing celestial terrain and generating hydrographic maps, particularly suited for Mars terrain analysis.

  • sivkri/ImageColorAnalysis

    ImageColorAnalysis is a repository with a Python script for color analysis in images using ImageMagick. It generates bash scripts for individual JPG images to analyze specific colors. It provides a flexible solution for extracting color information from images, applicable in various domains such as image classification and data analysis.

  • atandritC/Multilingual-News-Reader

    Multilingual News Reader fetches, translates, and reads out the latest top news headlines in various languages, making news more accessible to a global audience.

  • Fakesum/seleniumqt

    a selenium wrapper for controlling a remote QtWebKit.

  • gerardodavidlopezcastillo/SnowflakeAirflow_Public

    Process that extracts information from 7 European leagues using Python's scraping method orchestrated by Airflow using ASTRO / Docker, where the output is loaded into a table/warehouse in Snowflake.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • Hamed-Gharghi/Auto-Commit-Bot-Github

    Auto-Commit Bot is a Python script that automates the generation, committing, and pushing of Python scripts to a GitHub repository on a scheduled basis.

  • kawsarlog/RPA-NCcourts

    📜 This is a simple repository that uses the official API 🔍 "RPA WebService" to extract data into an Excel file using Python Programming Language 💻!

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • MichaelHager01/Mars-Rover

    In my Engineering Analysis course here at Texas A&M University, I was given a semester project dealing with a rover on Mars. This involved building functions, writing scripts, and professionally reporting our team's progress. This repository will include our code which was all in Python, as well as our reports.

  • secnnet/KeyLogX

  • sejalmankar1012/Yuvaco_Data_Analysis_Assessment

    This assignment involves writing a Python script to calculate the cost of package deliveries based on provided data and a cost grid. The script takes package details such as weight, distance, and delivery type, applies the cost calculation rules, and saves the results in an output file. You can also run the script in Google Colab for convenience.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook110
  • skywalkerSam/Python-Development-Bootcamp

    Resources for the Python Developer Bootcamp.

  • tgkprog/utils

    Java, windows, python and bash scripts, functions and classes that that been useful in more than one project.

  • TobiasJacobson/SimVascular-Scripting

    Work on python scripting in SimVascular Jun 02, 2019 Intermediate Release at the Cardiovascular Biomechanics Computation Lab at Stanford University School of Medicine

  • anishvedant/Round-robin-scheduler

    This repository contains a Python script that simulates a thread scheduler using round-robin scheduling with priority. It provides users with insights into thread scheduling information and performance metrics.

  • mako314/ClipsToSheetsPython

    I undertook this to help a few streamer clients and their editors. I try to write about most of my projects so I can avoid the hurdles on the run back.

  • thabanidev/alx-higher_level_programming

    Exploring the world of high level programming with Python

  • coslynx/python-hello-world-function-tutorial

    Project: Minimalist Python Hello World Function Implementation. Created at, which is owned by @Drix10

  • osamabinazam/ScoreForge--Comprehensive-Student-Assessment-Toolkit

    This Python script is designed to process Excel files related to student assessments, calculate scores, and export data in a formatted CSV file for a campus interface. It includes functionality to enter questions for credit, update student scores, and generate a CSV file for campus integration.

  • Parthiban318/youtubeProject1

    YouTube Data Harvesting and Warehousing using SQL, MongoDB and Streamlit
