
Java, windows, python and bash scripts, functions and classes that that been useful in more than one project.

Primary LanguageJava


Java functions and classes that that been useful in more than one project.

Using thread pools

import org.s2n.ddt.util.threads.PoolOptions;
import org.s2n.ddt.util.threads.DdtPools;

//One time init
public static final String PROCESS_POOL = "MyBus_Proc";
PoolOptions options = new PoolOptions(4, 4);//could come from config
DdtPools.initPool(PROCESS_POOL, options);

// make your runnable class, and offer it to the pool
org.s2n.ddt.util.threads.DdtPools.offer(PROCESS_POOL, this);
//if the pool is not initialized will be processed by org.s2n.ddt.util.threads.DdtPools.DEFAULT_POOL so it will get processed