
There are 84 repositories under randomizedsearchcv topic.

  • PacktWorkshops/The-Python-Workshop

    A New, Interactive Approach to Learning Python

    Language:Jupyter Notebook250322353
  • ThinamXx/CaliforniaHousing__Prices

    I have built a Model using Random Forest Regressor of California Housing Prices Dataset to predict the price of the Houses in California.

  • ashishrana1501/Forest-Fire-Prediction

    Algerian Forest Fire Prediction

    Language:Jupyter Notebook12106
  • rochitasundar/Predictive-maintenance-cost-minimization-using-ML-ReneWind

    The aim to decrease the maintenance cost of generators used in wind energy production machinery. This is achieved by building various classification models, accounting for class imbalance, and tuning on a user defined cost metric (function of true positives, false positives and false negatives predicted) & productionising the model using pipelines.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook11107
  • esvs2202/Concrete-Compressive-Strength-Prediction

    The aim of this project is to develop a solution using Data science and machine learning to predict the compressive strength of a concrete with respect to the its age and the quantity of ingredients used.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10108
  • somjit101/Facebook-Friend-Recommendation

    This is a friend recommendation systems which are used on social media platforms (e.g. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter) to suggest friends/new connections based on common interests, workplace, common friends etc. using Graph Mining techniques. Here, we are given a social graph, i.e. a graph structure where nodes are individuals on social media platforms and a directed edges (or 'links') indicates that one person 'follows' the other, or are 'friends' on social media. Now, the task is to predict newer edges to be offered as 'friend suggestions'.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook9103
  • Machine-Learning-Prediction-of-California-House-Prices


    The repository contains the California House Prices Prediction Project implemented with Machine Learning. The app was deployed on the Flask server, implemented End-to-End by developing a front end to consume the Machine Learning model, and deployed in Azure, Google Cloud Platform, and Heroku. Refer to README.md for demo and application link

    Language:Jupyter Notebook5201
  • RudraChatterjee/Machine-Failure_Prediction_EnsembleMethods_ModelTuning

    This project predicts wind turbine failure using numerous sensor data by applying classification based ML models that improves prediction by tuning model hyperparameters and addressing class imbalance through over and under sampling data. Final model is productionized using a data pipeline

    Language:Jupyter Notebook4101
  • Ayda-Darvishan/Tuning-ML-Classifiers

    The project includes building seven different machine learning classifiers (including Linear Regression, Decision Tree, Bagging, Random Forest, Gradient Boost, AdaBoost, and XGBoost) using Original, OverSampled, and Undersampled data of ReneWind case study, tuning hyperparameters of the models, performance comparisons, and pipeline development for productionizing the final model.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook3100
  • ohmthanap/Churn-Predictions-Telecom-Customer

    Developed a churn prediction classification model using various techniques including: EDA, Decision trees, Naive Bayes, AdaBoost, MLP, Bagging, RF, KNN, logistic regression, SVM, Hyperparameter tuning using Grid Search CV and Randomized Search CV.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook3200
  • alavi-sam/salary-prediction

    A comprehensive analysis and predictive modeling of the "Salary Data.csv" dataset to forecast salaries. Utilizes advanced machine learning techniques, including pipelines and transformers, for robust and accurate predictions.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2100
  • Lacerdash/Nested-Cross-Validation

    Using scikit-learn RandomizedSearchCV and cross_val_score for ML Nested Cross Validation

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2200
  • abhijha3011/Hyper-Parameter-Optimization-Techniques

    Hyper Parameter Techniques

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • Akanksha-tetwar/Car-Prediction

    This notebook uses RandomForestRegressor to predict the re-sale value of a car.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • amit-timalsina/California-Housing-Price-Prediction

    I have built a Model using the Random Forest Regressor of California Housing Prices Dataset to predict the price of the Houses in California.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook110
  • AirBnb-Price-Prediction


    The ability to predict prices and features affecting the appraisal of property can be a powerful tool in such a cash intensive market for a lessor. Additionally, a predictor that forecasts the number of reviews a specific listing will get may be helpful in examining elements that affect a property's popularity.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • dariak153/Comprasion_of_classifiers

    Comparision of classifiers

  • DataScienceVishal/Telecom_Churn

    Telecom Churn prediction with multiple machine learning models

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10
  • iamkirankumaryadav/Classification

    Classification Model (End to End Classification of Heart Disease - UCI Data Set)

    Language:Jupyter Notebook110
  • iamkirankumaryadav/Improvement

    Improving a Machine Learning Model

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1101
  • jesussantana/Supervised-Regression

    Practice and become familiar with regressions

    Language:Jupyter Notebook120
  • MaoIlich/Project-3-Ensemble-Techniques---Term-Deposit-Sale

    Goal Using the data collected from existing customers, build a model that will help the marketing team identify potential customers who are relatively more likely to subscribe term deposit and thus increase their hit ratio

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • Bulldozer-_price_prediction


    Predicting the sale price of Bulldozers using RandomForestRegressor

    Language:Jupyter Notebook110
  • rukshar69/Flight-Price-Prediction

    Predict Prices for Indian Flights

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1101
  • SannketNikam/Credit-Risk-Analysis

    Credito - Credit Risk Analysis using XGBoost Classifier with RandomizedSearchCV for loan approval decisions.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1202
  • seroetr/Disaster-Tweets-with-NLP

    Disaster Tweets Classifications by Machine Learning, which is a currently Kaggle Competition.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • Simon-157/AI-final-project

    A comprehensive data science project for analysing eCormmerce and online shops data for possibility to enegage customer retention to increase purchases. Trained and comprehensively evaluated machine learning models using different algorithms and tuning procedures.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1200
  • Ashwin0229/Tree-Classifiers

    Comparative Analysis of Decision Tree Algorithms in Number Classification: Bagging vs. Random Forest vs. Gradient Boosting Decision Tree Classifiers

  • DataScienceVishal/Bank_Customer_Behaviour

    Bank Customer Behaviour Prediction

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • kgdatatech/climatewins-ml

    Exploring the intersection of supervised machine learning algorithms and weather data to drive ClimateWins forward. (CF student project)

    Language:Jupyter Notebook00
  • Shardy2907/House-Price-Prediction

    A Machine Learning Regression Model has been used to predict the prices for houses in Boston.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook00
  • aashishcoder/Parkinson-Disease-Detection

    Parkinson disease detection using KNN Classifier and Random Forest Classifier.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook
  • Ayomikun17/Diabetes-Prediction-

    Diabetes Prediction with Tree based models (Random Forest and XGBoost). Grid Search CV and Randomized Search CV used to optimize parameters

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10
  • KumaarBalbir/HyperTuning

    Different techniques to tune the hyperparameter of machine learning models.

  • sanhiitaa/fastag-fraud-detection-classification

    Fastag Fraud Detection Classification System

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10
  • shubhampundhir/Medical-Personal-Cost-Prediction

    In this project the task is to predict charges or cost of the person on the basis of his/her lifestyle, smoking habit, number of children's and person's home location.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook