There are 70 repositories under react-functional-components topic.
A template to create awesome Apps easily ⚡️
❤ Namaste React Web-Series Course From Zero To Hero 🚀 by Akshay Saini(Founder of NamasteDev). This repository contains Codes, Assignments & Class Notes taken during this Course.
⚪ useTermite is a React.js library that provides a bunch of useful and efficient react hooks.
📦 npm package containing a set of custom hooks for your next React project.
:collision: EventPlanner:: This repo is to make a Single Page Event Management application using MERNG stack. It also covers building GraphQL based backend API with Node.js & Expres.js, JWT based authentication. Client-side is developed in React Typescript using React Hooks, Context API for state management, React Router Hooks, Protecting routes/endpoints.
OpenID Connect (OIDC) client with React functional components, utilising hooks and protected routes.
To-do application - first bigger project in React. Work in progress - developer version with basic and some advanced function (adding to-do, searching to-do, listing and sorting to-do, deleting/checking/editing to-do, option to display all tasks or just those that are opened/finished and sort them as well).
A workshop comparing class components and FCs/Hooks
turn based RPG made in react
Widgets app with a navigation bar feature
This project displays a prototype of an react project with typescript, redux with best practice.
Housing Management web app made using React + Node + GraphQL + Typescript
Aplicativo de receitas completo, consumida duas API públicas de receitas, drinks e ingredientes.
On this repository I have many projects and exercises, with html, css, js, bootstrap, reactjs, reactbootstrap
🌐 A repo for my very first React learning experience - courtesy of @QuentinWatt. 📃 Study notes available in repo README.
Oasis Infobyte Internship Projects: A compilation of Web Development Projects showcasing skills in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React and React-Bootstrap.
The Sparks Foundation Internship Projects: A compilation of Web Development Project showcasing skills in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Flask and MySQL.
Effect Hook and Rules of Hooks by using useEffect and useState
Introduction to React Hooks and State Hook by using React Hooks and useState to create Hello user data
Certificate generator that can be exported as png, jpeg and pdf. Created with reactjs and tailwindcss
React functional component with tailwindcss
airbnb clone in React
Assignment Web developer .NET, Product idea from business plan to MVP. Crowdsourcing platform to find testers for your company. SPA application built with React, Bootstrap and Mockapi (REST API).
A react app for an E-commerce Shopping Website
This project is created using react js. It has multiple functionality for text editing according to user. It has both light and dark mode.
Swiggy Food App Clone: A React-based project replicating Swiggy's food ordering app. Leveraging React, Redux, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Tailwind CSS, and Jest for testing. Features include search, filter, order management, and real-time API integration for live restaurant data. Optimized for performance and tested for reliability
This repository contains my practices of react.js. I followed the Learn with Sumit YouTube channel to learn this. Each branch contains lessons taught by Sumit da
The app contains four pages that receive mockup data using a fake API. One of the pages is available only after authorization and does not disappear after the page refreshes. I implemented a quick filtered search, localized it into two languages, and made an exciting game for two. Certain data is stored in local and redux storage.
TypeScript + React (functional components) + Redux (redux-toolkit) + SCSS
This is a frontend of shopping web app build using React.
A lightweight library of commonly used React custom hooks, written in TypeScript, designed to simplify and enhance your React projects.
A simple Todo App built with React, Vite, Tailwind CSS, and React Icons. Features include add, edit, delete, and mark todos as complete. The firebase branch includes real-time updates using Firebase Firestore, while the master branch does not include Firebase integration.
An e-commerce web application built with React, Bootstrap, tanStack query and ReduxToolkit, the application provides many products with different categories and brands which you can browse and see if any item fulfilled your needs.