React RPG

React RPG is a turn based strategy game where the player must control three different characters to defeat three AI controlled enemy characters. Players can move their characters around the battlefield strategically and use a number of different character specific weapons and spells to win the battle.

This game is still in development but is currently playable, all features described are fully functional however additional features and styling are still to be added.


Play React RPG here


This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.

App made using React with functional components and Hooks.

Hosted using Firebase Hosting.

Still To Add

  • Use Firebase Authentication to log in and Firebase Database to store characters and progress
  • Upgrades for characters after winning a battle
  • Multiple levels with many battles and a boss fight per level
  • More Player and Enemy Characters
  • More Weapons/spells


The Game is not finished and there are many areas which have not been styled or optimised yet.


To get app running on your machine locally, follow the steps below.


Clone this repo to your local machine


install packages

$ npm install

Run the app in the development mode.

$ npm start

Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.