
There are 15 repositories under readme-notes topic.

  • pawanharariya/Sleep-Tracker

    This is a sleep quality tracker app, that stores the sleep data over time in a database. It stores start time, end time and quality of sleep. The app architecture is based on MVVM architecture and uses ROOM database.

  • pawanharariya/Taskito

    Todo app showcasing testing in Android with Espresso and Mockito. Includes Unit testing, integrated testing and coroutine testing

  • pawanharariya/TipCalculator

    A sample app created with Jetpack Compose

  • pawanharariya/About-Me-and-Boxes

    This project has two apps, developed while learning about layouts in Android. View styling, vector drawables, data binding, constrain layout, etc have been used, following best practices.

  • pawanharariya/Android-Trivia

    Trivia app with questions on android. Play and share your results. This app shows the use of various Navigation components.

  • pawanharariya/Clipping-Example

    This is a sample app that demonstrates the use of clipping applied on the Canvas, to generate various shapes.

  • pawanharariya/Dessert-Pusher

    Dessert Pusher shows use of various activity lifecycle callbacks and uses Lifecycle Library.

  • pawanharariya/Egg-Timer

    EggTimer is a timer app for cooking eggs that notifies the user with notification. The app demonstrates the use of Notification Manager, channels, intent, notification styles, actions and push notifications..

  • pawanharariya/Fan-Controller-View

    The Fan Controller app displays a circular UI element that resembles a physical fan control, to control the fan speed. It demonstrates how to create custom views.

  • pawanharariya/GDG-Finder

    This app lets you find GDGs near you. It implements material theme and components, supports RTL languages and has content descriptions for talkback support and accessibility.

  • pawanharariya/Guess-Word

    Multiplayer word guessing game. One player enacts the word and the other player has to guess it. App follows MVVM architecture and uses ViewModel and LiveData.

  • pawanharariya/Mars-Land

    Mars Land is a simple demo app demonstrating the use of ViewModel & LiveData with Retrofit, Glide and Moshi in Kotlin.

  • pawanharariya/Motion-Layout-Example

    Sample app with different animations created using MotionLayout in Android.

  • pawanharariya/Property-Animation-Example

    The app animates stars on the screen by changing various View properties that control position, size, rotation, and translucency. The app shows the use of ObjectAnimator, AnimatorSet and PropertyValuesHolder.

  • pawanharariya/Treasure-Hunt

    Simple app demonstrating the use of Geofences and tracks user's device location.
