There are 94 repositories under reset-password topic.
User-related REST API based on the awesome Django REST Framework
Need a killer reset password feature for your Symfony? Us too!
MERN stack authentication boilerplate: password reset, email verification, server sessions, redux, typescript, hooks and docker for dev and prod.
Collection of Free responsive HTML templates for Startups
Used to send Parse Server password reset and email verification emails though Mailgun
Resets the admin password to the default value without the existing password
📫 This repo is to build a fully fledged INSTAGRAM website using MERN stack. It also covers Building a backend API with Node.js & Expres.js, JWT based authentication, Image upload to cloud, Context API for state management, React Hooks, React Router Hooks, Protecting routes/endpoints, Sending emails, Forget & Reset password.
This tool named "InSta-Reseter" is mainly use to reset the Instagram Account Secure Accounts , All working apis are present in the script , If you do any illegal activites through this script we are not responsible
Custom General Bot App (.gbapp) for resetting an user password in Azure Active Directory, Office 365, Dynamics 365 or any app published through Azure AD. Navigate to the BotServer repository for more information:
A fully functional flutter chatting application, built with a clean architecture,used Getx as state-management, and Firebase as a database.
Django initial Authentication (Login, Register, Reset Password) Project
Faculty Evaluation Management System,Forgot password , Reset password , email verification Features
"Introducing our secure solution for user authentication and management! Our Node and Express MVC API offers seamless functionality for login, sign up, verification, password reset, and recovery. With our system, rest assured your users' information is safe. Say goodbye to clunky processes and hello to reliable user management. Try it now!"
This is a backend project for food delivery app using Nodejs and mongodb as database.
Free HTML5, CSS3 Login, Register and Reset Password Pages useful for your Laravel, Wordpress and etc projects
SecureAuth is a web application developed using the MERN (MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js) stack that provides secure authentication for users. The application provides a secure login and signup system using encryption techniques to protect sensitive information such as passwords and user data.
Secured user authentication system using mongodb, express.
The goal of the project is to create articles by users and comment or like them after they create an account for them in the application and confirm their account by email, every person who created an article, comment or like can only edit or delete it whenever he wants.
An easy tool to reset cpanel password when you can't upload backdoor to server. This tool will be useful only if the password reset feature on cpanel is activated.
PHP Codeigniter complete login signup ,reset password, change password ,etc with user management and users group management and interactive dashboard with full functionality. All you have to download and use ,it make you life easier
A custom user model-based Django package that implements JSON formatted Rest API endpoints with (encrypted) JWT authentication and authorization.
This is a Node.js authentication starter code for creating any new application developed by using MongoDB, Node, Express and EJS with features like authentication, authorization using Passport.js, reset password, forgot password by sending mail, Google authentication, express-sessions, flash-messages and scalable folder structure. 🚀
A Node.js back end web application with REST API, user authentication & SendGrid password reset and MongoDB data storage
MVC application written in pure JS and PHP. It is an online store enabling simple transactions and having the functions of a normal store. It was a school project for final exams.
Authentication Components for your react-native app
Password recovery, and password reset with email confirmation. Nodejs and MongoDB
Free modules from General Bots Intranet based bot.
Arabity is a two-sided marketplace that connects car owners with qualified mechanics for routine maintenance or repairs.
OTP , JWT , Authentication, Reset Password,TailwindCss
Register - Login - Reset - Firebase - Navigation Component - Coroutines
Implementing a user login, registration and password reset in Nodejs and mongoDb
The goal of the association is to add paid ADS with specific duration and location in the application and the type of target device for this ADS through the website's owner,
Reset Password App contains Login, Register, Forgot Password functionalities
API URL for Reset Password App.