Need a killer reset password feature for your Symfony? Us too!
Pinned issues
- 4
Default collation of column 'selector' in table reset_password_request (ResetPasswordRequestTrait::selector) ignored letter case
#335 opened by gorenstein - 3
Generated tests fail to preg_match the token
#333 opened by jeremyVignelles - 10
- 6
Some mandatory parameters are missing ("token") to generate a URL for route "app_reset_password".
#254 opened by StephanotZaf - 1
- 4
Error 500 when open url from Gmail or 365 web client
#273 opened by saturit - 4
Support Symfony 7
#275 opened by tacman - 4
Emails not send if use MailerInterface in private method proccessSendingResetEmail
#262 opened by pminetti - 1
ResetPasswordBundle v2.0
#290 opened by jrushlow - 0
Subject: How to Disable forgot-password Routes in ReDoc Documentation Only?
#327 opened by jimmyMorizot - 7
Hello! Tried to install the bundle on a fresh symfony 7 installation and it blocked the make:migration with an error:
#287 opened by jrushlow - 0
[2.x] [tests] implement a solution to run `make:reset-password` command in tests
#322 opened by jrushlow - 1
New password validaition constraints
#314 opened by mardon - 2
Get not hashed token for functional testing
#267 opened by SiestaCat - 0
[2.x] add test to ensure if lifetime is changed in userland - the new value is used in the helper
#317 opened by jrushlow - 2
ControllerTrait clear token
#306 opened by jp-insitaction - 4
- 2
Flash message in request.html.twig
#285 opened by alexz707 - 6
- 1
Errors after installation
#268 opened by thoschy - 2
Request: Allow to pass lifetime parameter in generateResetToken function on v1.14.1 version
#266 opened by DocBraaa - 2
UUID and ULID support
#198 opened by misaert - 2
Cannot find the entity manager for class "App\Entity\ResetPasswordRequest"
#256 opened by NCJavaCode - 2
Resend mail if mail already sent
#238 opened by FredDut - 0
Token verification may fail for DateTime instances with milliseconds resolution
#259 opened by spetters - 6
- 3
Null Error during migration step
#253 opened by manzwebdesigns - 3
Deprecation Message
#252 opened by On5-Repos - 1
generate database xml or yaml mapping file
#248 opened by remoteclient - 5
Requires default_uri to be defined
#249 opened by akincer - 20
- 2
Symfony 6.1 not capable
#244 opened by Flower7C3 - 1
child config "request_password_repository" under "symfonycasts_reset_password" must be configured
#243 opened by ganti - 2
- 3
Parameter enable_garbage_collection doesn't work
#221 opened by magali-thuaire - 4
- 2
Is this feature work with API Platform?
#228 opened by wokalove - 0
Some mandatory parameters are missing
#227 opened by ElJoelReis - 0
Add throttle limit functions.
#226 opened by laurentmuller - 2
Stop using private. Please use protected
#212 opened by FranzBruckner - 5
make:migration fails with default setup
#205 opened by Crell - 1
TooManyPasswordRequestsException if one request already sent within validity period
#204 opened by php4fan - 2
using Reset Password for multiple users / firewalls
#203 opened by Hanmac - 1
Support for PostgreSQL
#182 opened by saul-lopez - 5
Translation reason
#202 opened by gunter423 - 2
- 1
Require reset-password-bundle error
#191 opened by nguyenductien1 - 1
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