
There are 46 repositories under rimuru-dev topic.

  • Unity-NullCheckExtensions

    Null Check Extension for Fluent Interfaces - Это расширение для C# предназначено для упрощения работы с объектами, которые могут быть null. Оно добавляет метод IfNotNull, который выполняет указанное действие на объекте, если он не null, и выводит предупреждение в консоль, если объект является null.

  • Unity-ColorUtility


    ColorUtility is a compact and efficient class designed for working with colors in Unity. It facilitates easy conversion of hexadecimal color codes (in RRGGBB format) to Unity Color objects. This tool is particularly useful when working with color values obtained from external sources, such as web APIs, user interfaces, or text files.

  • ScriptTemplates-Mirror


    Made a repository for easy retrieval of script templates for Mirror.

  • Stroke-The-Cute-Cat


    💖Stroke The Cute Cat 💖 A small HTML5 game made on Unity for Yandex Games platform.

  • Unity-UIImageScaler

    Unity - UI Image Scaler

  • Unity-EditorFPSDisplay

    A Unity Editor extension to display FPS in the Scene view. Unity Editor FPS Display is a simple extension for the Unity Editor that shows the Frames Per Second (FPS) in the Scene view. This tool helps developers monitor and optimize the performance of their editor scripts by providing real-time FPS metrics.

  • IndieInject-Installer

    Installer for IndieInject

  • IndieInject-DevWorkspace

    Репозиторий создан для тестировани/исправление/обновления DI фреймворка IndieInject. Рекомендуется использовать по ссылке ниже стабильную версию плагина.

  • Unity-GradientShader

    Unity Simple Gradient Shader

  • Unity-AdaptiveSkyboxScaler

    AdaptiveSkyboxScaler is a Unity component designed to scale skybox textures proportionally to fit any screen format or platform. This is particularly useful for projects with numerous scenes and different skyboxes, ensuring a consistent and correct display across various devices.
