
ColorUtility is a compact and efficient class designed for working with colors in Unity. It facilitates easy conversion of hexadecimal color codes (in RRGGBB format) to Unity Color objects. This tool is particularly useful when working with color values obtained from external sources, such as web APIs, user interfaces, or text files.

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⭐ColorUtility for Unity⭐

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ColorUtility is a compact and efficient class designed for working with colors in Unity. It facilitates easy conversion of hexadecimal color codes (in RRGGBB format) to Unity Color objects. This tool is particularly useful when working with color values obtained from external sources, such as web APIs, user interfaces, or text files.


  • Simple conversion of hexadecimal color codes to Unity Color objects.
  • Verification of input format correctness to enhance error resilience.
  • Easily integrates into any Unity project.


To use ColorUtility, copy the ColorUtility.cs file into the Scripts or Codebase folder of your Unity project. Alternatively, you can download the ready-made .package in the Releases section.

Usage Examples

Converting a Hexadecimal String to a Color

Color color = ColorUtility.HexToColor("FF5733");

This code converts the string "FF5733" into a Unity Color object, which can now be used for setting colors in your game or application.

Handling Incorrect Input Data

If the passed string is incorrectly formatted, ColorUtility will return a white color and issue a warning in the Unity console.

Color color = ColorUtility.HexToColor("IncorrectFormat"); // Returns Color.white

Contributing to the Project

Suggestions for improvement or feedback are welcome! If you have ideas to enhance ColorUtility, feel free to create a pull request or issue in the GitHub repository.

License This project is distributed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.

Author: RimuruDev