
There are 15 repositories under self-organizing-network topic.

  • Saran-nns/sorn

    PyPi Package of Self-Organizing Recurrent Neural Networks (SORN) and Neuro-robotics using OpenAI Gym

  • sonn


    A private Java lab for Artificial General Intelligence

  • hussein-shamy/Bachelor-Thesis

    A collaborative repository for our Bachelor's thesis, focused on optimizing the Cell Outage Compensation (COC) algorithm in Self-Organizing Networks (SONs). Leveraging AI-Hardware Acceleration, the project aims to bolster 5G network reliability, particularly for emerging technologies like autonomous driving.

  • Quernest/reduction

    📘 dimensionality reduction algorithms

  • Saran-nns/rmsorn

    PyPi package of Reward-Modulated Self Organizing Recurrent Neural Network

  • vojha-code/Self-Organizing-Map

    A very basic C++ code for developing a self-organizing map (SOM) for data clustering (No GUI Visualization)

  • ahmasri/NS-3-main-Code

    NS3 - SON COC Code

  • Ge0rges/KNet

    An effort to build an unsupervised plastic model that replicates the way we learn and categorise.

  • MohamadNesr/KohonenNetwork

    A simulation of kohonen self organizing map with neural weights and robotic arm

  • Baksonator/distributed-chaos

    Self-organizing distributed system, that supports failure of up to 2 nodes at the same time.

  • camara94/som

    Les cartes topologiques ou auto-organisatrices font partie de la famille des modĂšles dits Ă  «apprentissage non supervisé», c’est-Ă -dire qui s’appliquent sur des donnĂ©es dont on connaĂźt le domaine sur lequel porte le recueil statistique, mais pour lesquelles les connaissances a priori ne sont pas totalement organisĂ©es., les donnĂ©es en groupements «similaires» dont la structure de voisinage peut ĂȘtre matĂ©rialisĂ©e et visualisable par un espace discret de faible dimension (1, 2 ou 3D) appelĂ© «carte topologique».ordre topologique est un apport supplĂ©mentaire permis par les rĂ©seaux de neurones Ă  apprentissage non supervisĂ© : les distances entre observations sont directement visibles sur a carte.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook201
  • deanone/SON

    Native Java implementation of a self-organizing network (SON) for clustering.

  • Saran-nns/self_organized_criticality

    Criticality analysis on complex networks using Power-law scaling functions, exponential relations, and phase transitions
