
There are 457 repositories under semaphores topic.

  • Alairion/not-enough-standards

    A modern header-only C++ library that provides platform-independent utilities.

  • MarkCiliaVincenti/AsyncKeyedLock

    An asynchronous .NET Standard 2.0 library that allows you to lock based on a key (keyed semaphores), limiting concurrent threads sharing the same key to a specified number, with optional pooling for reducing memory allocations.

  • Tsvetilin/Operating-Systems

    Материали към курса "Операционни системи" на ФМИ, СУ

  • andy489/Linux_Shell

    Unix-like Operating Systems. Linux. Bash & Z shell. C. Synchronization Problems & Theory.

  • mcombeau/philosophers

    Philosophers is a project from the 42 school curriculum that explores concurrent programming with threads and mutexes, processes and semaphores. It is a variation on the famous dining philosophers problem.

  • tetreum/peque-traffic

    Yet Another attempt to build a traffic system in Unity.

  • asad82/User-Level-Thread-Library

    The program implements a user level thread library for Linux in C with pre-emption, locks, conditions, semaphores, scheduler, timers, multi-level priority queue ensuring synchronization in real world programs besides several other features making it a complete autonomous library for thread creation and management. Sample test programs utilizing the thread library are also included with the design document and code.

  • petercorke/simple-threads-coder

    A simple POSIX threading library for MATLAB Coder

  • ComFreek/async-playground

    Semaphores, critical sections and blocking queues explored in modern JS with Promises and async generators

  • FLombardi-PhD/C-teaching

    Programming with C course: pointer, multi-process, multi-thread, concurrency, semaphores, Socket, PIPE, FIFO

  • martinspedro/SO-notes

    A collection of (not so) short notes for the Operative System course, lectured at Aveiro University

  • pspanoudakis/System-Programming-Projects

    System Programming projects on Multiprocessing, Multithreading, FIFO Pipes, Network Sockets, Bash Scripting & building Data Structures

  • rishitsaiya/CS314-OS-Lab

    Operating Systems Lab Course (CS 314), IIT Dharwad

  • AshiqAR/Operating-Systems-Lab-S4-KTU

    OS Lab Programs S4 KTU

  • OS-Programs


    OS-Programs related to System Call, Process Creation, Threading, Synchronization, Race condition, Semaphores, Inter-Process-Communication, Pipes, Shared memory, message passing & further more.

  • mussaiin/Santa-Claus-Problem

    Santa Claus Multithreading Problem Solutions on Python and C (semaphores/condition variables)

  • alainlebret/os

    Programmation système Linux / Linux System Programming

  • Class66/SemafoR

    Application to control KLUBA semaphores via Arduino platform

  • iddemirjs/deu-hospital-simulation

    Threads POSIX and Semaphores using in C

  • ivzhuravlev/dining_philosophers

    Simple solution of classic dining philosophers problem

  • JoelRomero97/Sistemas-Operativos

    Implementaciones de algunas de las funcionalidades que posee un sistema operativo, como llamadas al sistema, ensamblador, procesos, hilos y distintas formas de comunicación entre los mismos

  • justleon/SOI-labs

    (Almost) All Operating System lab tasks from Warsaw University of Technology in one place

  • oguzhanagkus/system-programming

    System Programming course projects - includes UNIX/Linux system call and library function examples

  • pszemkor/OperatingSystems

    Fundamental system mechanisms, algorithms and their execution. Programs use ipc, signals, sockets, forks and manage files and memory in unix systems.

  • abdeljalil-salhi/philosophers

    Eat, Sleep, Spaghetti, repeat. This project is about learning how threads work by precisely timing a group of philosophers on when to pick up forks and eat spaghetti without dying from hunger.


    This project serves as an introduction to multithreading. The purpose was to build two different programs to solve the famous dining philosophers problem, each with different constraints.

  • animeshk-me/OS-lab-exercises

    These exercises were attempted and completed during the course 'Operating Systems' offered by Dr. Sivaselvan B. at IIITDM Kancheepuram.

  • ANSANJAY/MasteringPthreads

    This repository contains comprehensive notes and code samples from the Master Class Course on Multi-Threading. Covering topics from basic to advanced—thread creation, race conditions, mutex, deadlocks, condition variables, and semaphores—it serves as a one-stop guide for mastering multi-threading in C/C++ on Linux.

  • ArielXL/concurrence

    Aborda el tema de la programación concurrente para el lenguaje programación C#. Para ello, realizaremos adecuadamente las implementaciones de una serie de primitivas de sincronización, todas usando semáforos como tipo principal para restringir el acceso a recursos compartidos en un entorno de multiprocesamiento. Daremos varias soluciones a los clásicos problemas "Los filósofos comensales" y "El barbero dormilón" utilizando las bondades de Python.

  • ibraheemalayan/factory_opengl_simulation

    A multi-threaded multi-processing C & OpenGL manufacturing simulation

  • madebypixel02/philosophers

    [42 Madrid] I’ve never thought philosophy would be so deadly

  • RaniAgus/so-tp-2020-2c-pedidOS-ya

    Un TP de Sistemas Operativos que fue presentado habiendo dormido la noche anterior... a la segunda entrega

  • RazaRizvii/Operating-System-Semaphore--Producer-and-Consumer-are-part-of-an-application.-The-producer-access-a

    Producer and Consumer are part of an application. The producer access a two dim matrix of int (of 100 x 100) and produces the memory address as an item and store it in a array of pointers to int. The consumers compete and get an entry of the array that corresponds to a row, and finds the number of primes in that row and adds it to a shared sum

  • VissaMoutafis/OS-Assignments-Fall-2020

    Programming Projects in C for Operating Systems - K22 Course

  • im-zshan/Operating-Systems

    This repository contains the program codes of the sytem calls used in Operating Systems.
