
These exercises were attempted and completed during the course 'Operating Systems' offered by Dr. Sivaselvan B. at IIITDM Kancheepuram.

Primary LanguageC

OS Lab Assignment Solutions

These C programs contain the complete solution of the lab assignments I did as part of Operating Systems course at IIITDM Kancheepuram. Some of the most important C programs being,

  • My own shell using fork and exec calls in linux OS.
  • Solving computational problems like matrix multiplication and magic square using both multithreading using pthreads and multiprocessing using fork system calls.
  • Multithreaded implementations using semaphores.
  • Proposing and implementing the multithreading and multiprocessing algorithms of traditional Dynamic Programming problems like longest common subsequence problem and so on.
  • Solutions of a few classical synchronization problems from The Little Book of Semaphores.

Contact me

Animesh Kumar

email: 24animesh11@gmail.com

phone: +91 7985851496